How to eliminate the vascular network on the face. Video
Vascular networks on the skin are a fairly common cosmetic problem, and the solutions to this problem can vary. They can be eliminated both in a medical clinic and folk remedies.
Vascular mesh on the face: causes and treatment
What is the vascular network and the reasons for its appearance
Most often, a change in the state of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, as a result of which small hemorrhages appear on the surface of the skin, are found in the area of the legs, but this is not the only place for the manifestation of the vascular network. These defects can also appear on the face, having a variety of sizes, colors and shapes. There are many reasons for the formation of a mesh, from hormonal disorders inside the body to mechanical injury to the skin when the capillaries pass close to its surface.
It should be remembered that the vascular mesh on the legs may indicate the onset of varicose veins, for the detection and timely treatment of which you should consult a phlebologist
How to get rid of the vascular network
In a clinic, vascular defects can be removed most efficiently and quickly. For this, a special laser has recently been used, under the influence of which the hemoglobin reaction occurs in the area of the skin where the vessel is injured, and the latter disappears forever. There are few contraindications to the use of a laser, the procedure itself does not leave marks on the skin and is absolutely painless.
Folk remedies for the vascular network
Home methods for dealing with vascular network are varied, but they are all designed for long-term use. You can count on the result no earlier than a month after the start of complex measures. In addition, folk remedies are not suitable for everyone, and it is quite possible that many of them will have to be tried in order to find an effective one.
Natural apple cider vinegar is popular enough to fight rosacea. They need to wipe the mesh area twice a day. After this procedure, you can apply a compress from an aloe leaf to this place. It is made at night, but aloe can be used only in the case of not too large areas of damage and their location in such a place where the sheet can be fixed. So, with the expansion of the vessels on the wings of the nose, it will be at least difficult to make a compress. In such zones, aloe juice is used, for which the leaves must be kept in the refrigerator for at least a day.
No less effective, according to reviews, are methods using compresses from green tomatoes and cabbage leaves. Tomato slices must be kept on the skin for no longer than 5 minutes, and pre-broken cabbage leaves must be tied overnight. The procedures must be carried out daily until the stars disappear.
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