How to eliminate stress at work?

How to eliminate stress at work?

How to eliminate stress at work?
The current situation is not conducive to serenity at work: increased productivity, shortened deadlines, eliminated resources, etc. Many factors which can increase the stress of any employee… Some avenues to be able to face it.

86% of employees suffer from stress

During the last survey carried out by the ANACT network and the CSA on the stress level at work, more than 3 out of 4 employees revealed that they were stressed at work, rarely, sometimes or often.

The women would be more affected by stress than men, in particular because of their sometimes precarious condition and the persistent gender inequality.

Among the main causes mentioned: too heavy a workload, deadlines and instructions or complicated customer requirements to meet, difficult objectives to achieve, too fast a pace, uncertainties on its future in the box and on the future of the box more generally.

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