How to eliminate speech defects
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The first smile, the first word – how it touches parents and grandparents. However, sometimes this happiness fades when loved ones notice a delay in the development of the speech of their beloved child.
As a rule, speech defects in most cases are detected in children under the age of 4 years. Is it possible to get rid of this problem and, if so, when, how and where? All these questions can be answered by specialists of the children’s department of neurology and reflexology “REACENTRA” in Kazan.
Where does the “legs grow” problem come from?
One of the reasons for the violation
True, the excessive care of the child, when the parents rush to each of his “sneezes”, trying to predict and immediately fulfill any of his wishes, brings a fly in the ointment into the incorrect formation of speech. The overprotected child does not have the desire and need to speak for a very long time. What for? He gets everything without words.
In addition, it is not uncommon for a child to have speech impairments due to trauma or illness and brain damage. Regardless of the cause that led to brain damage (birth trauma, hydrocephalus, hypoxia), the outcome is the same – different areas of the brain begin to work incorrectly or not actively enough.
In such cases, it is used for treatment
So a deviation in the child’s speech development is not a reason for panic and despair. We urgently need to contact specialists who know different methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
To identify foci of pathological activity, convulsive readiness, contraindications to treatment, an EEG (electroencephalogram) is performed.
A defectologist works with the child, who studies the world around him: in a playful way, he teaches him the basic concepts: color, shape, size, wild and domestic animals, and also develops fine motor skills.
With the threat of cerebral palsy, treatment allows to normalize muscle tone, improve coordination of movements and develop new motor skills, as well as stabilize intracranial pressure
Speech therapists have experience in working with children with cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, motor and sensorimotor alalia, autism. Classes are aimed at expanding vocabulary and developing phrasal speech.
Microcurrent reflexology (course of 15 sessions) activates the speech areas of the brain, which are responsible for diction, understanding of speech and vocabulary, the desire to enter into speech contact, phrasal speech.
Articulatory gymnastics helps to teach the child to pronounce sounds correctly. In the classroom, the speech therapist teaches the child exercises that must be repeated and reinforced at home.
A mother, spending the lion’s share of time with her child, should carefully monitor how the baby develops. For example, as far as speech is concerned, by the age of one a child should pronounce up to 10 lightened words. And if your baby is unable to “give out” the norm, this is a reason to be on the alert and visit a doctor. After all, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more successful the treatment will be and the more optimistic the prognosis for the further development of the child will be. A delay in the development of speech is a serious problem that negatively affects the formation of the child’s psyche. It makes it difficult for him to communicate with others, and with peers in the first place, prevents the correct formation of cognitive processes, affects the formation and expression of emotions.
In order not to miss this important point, it would be nice for all parents to know the norms of speech development of children:
- at 1 year – the child must pronounce up to 10 lightweight words;
- at 2 years old – build phrases and short sentences;
- at 2,5 years old – build complex sentences, pronounce letters correctly, except for “l”, “r” and hissing;
- at 3 years old, the child should speak in sentences that are united in meaning;
- at 4 years old, speak grammatically correct sentences, using all parts of speech;
- at the age of 5, speak almost like an adult, pronounce all the letters correctly, retell the text and evaluate the actions of the characters.
The experienced specialists of the center will help your child restore normal speech and give him a new full life.
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