Puffy face, gray circles and bags under the eyes are common consequences of excessive drinking. It is sometimes impossible to mask defects, which brings a lot of inconvenience. Often, excessive accumulation of fluid in soft tissues indicates serious problems in the body that require a visit to a doctor. Next, we will figure out why there is swelling under the eyes after alcohol and how to get rid of it.
Causes of edema
Ethanol disrupts the entire body, including the kidneys and urinary system. Toxins enter the bloodstream and inhibit the release of vasopressin, a hormone responsible for the water-salt balance in tissues. Antidiuretic retains fluid in the body, regulates kidney function and prevents dehydration. Vasopressin deficiency leads to an increased work of the excretory system, which causes frequent trips to the toilet. The kidneys stop doing their job and remove waste – excess sodium, potassium and hydrogen. Cells lose the fluid necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels.
Excess alcohol leads to severe dehydration. After the action of ethanol ends, the body does not return to normal immediately. Strong thirst prompts a person to drink a lot of water, which is absorbed slowly. A high level of sodium contributes to fluid retention in the cells, which causes edema. Most often, the face and the area around the eyes suffer.
Around the eye cavity is fatty tissue that performs a protective function. The eyeball is close to the skull, and a layer of tissue protects it from damage. Fat cells are characterized by an increased ability to accumulate moisture, so the areas under the eyes swell first.
With alcohol abuse, bags under the eyes after alcohol can become chronic, especially in women. The weakening of the circular muscles in this area aggravates the process. The face loses its clear shape, becomes puffy and loses its healthy color.
The appearance of edema contribute to:
- metabolic disorder:
- chronic pyelonephritis;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- infection;
- tendency to allergies.
The decay products of ethanol adversely affect the circulatory system. The tissues around the eyes are permeated with a network of small capillaries that supply the cells with oxygen. Alcohol destroys the vascular walls and slows down blood flow.
With a lack of oxygen, the blood darkens, causing the skin to become bluish. Bruises under the eyes after alcohol appear in people who have been abusing alcohol for a long time.
How to get rid of edema
Folk ways to deal with edema can help in emergency cases, when you urgently need to put yourself in order. First of all, you need to get rid of toxins that contribute to fluid retention. Sorbents, diuretic teas and infusions based on urological preparations with bearberry, St. John’s wort, milk thistle and mint contribute to the removal of ethanol.
Raw potatoes are a proven and effective remedy for getting rid of edema. Tubers contain a large amount of amino acids and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin, while starch smoothes fine wrinkles and reduces swelling. The tuber must be grated on a fine grater, slightly squeezed out the juice and wrap the gruel in pieces of gauze. Compresses are applied to the area under the eyes and kept for fifteen minutes. The mask will remove swelling and improve skin color.
Parsley compresses refresh the skin and remove excess fluid in the tissues. Suitable for both fresh and dried herbs. It is not difficult to make a mask – a bunch of parsley should be finely chopped, pour a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. Apply the resulting slurry to problem areas for a quarter of an hour. As an express remedy, you can use a frozen broth. Ice cubes wipe the face and the area around the eyes.
Fresh cucumbers will also help eliminate swelling. The easiest way is to cut the vegetable into thin slices and put them on your face. If you have time, you can make a compress and cucumber gruel, after wrapping it in gauze. In this case, keep the mask for at least 20 minutes.

If there are bags under the eyes after alcohol, it is necessary to completely exclude table salt from the diet in the morning, as it contributes to fluid retention. The harmful effects of ethanol on the body will reduce proper sleep and a walk in the fresh air. Drink as much alkaline mineral water as possible, which will restore moisture loss. Diuretic drugs are not recommended to be taken without a prescription, as such drugs cause serious harm to the kidneys. Chronic edema may indicate the presence of an underlying pathology and require medical advice.
Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor!