Although drugs, tobacco and alcohol accompanying humanity for so many years are most often associated with addiction, we know that addiction is not only caused by substances, but also by behaviors and elements of our everyday environment. For several decades, addictions to shopping, gambling, work or food have become more and more common, and in recent years there have also been more and more cases of addiction to the Internet, pornography, mobile phones and computer games. A broader definition of addiction, including not only drugs, but also workaholism, is therefore a constant, strong, not always conscious need not necessarily to take a substance, but rather to perform a certain activity, capable of subordinating the rest of the lifestyle.
Addictions. Classification
Addictions they can be easily divided into physical and psychological interacting. Physical addictions to addictionswhich have negative effects in our body and which are linked to withdrawal and detoxification to combat. To such addictions you should, inter alia, addiction to cigarettes, alcohol and all drugs (the issue of marijuana is still debatable, which according to some studies is only psychologically addictive and does not have any negative physical effects. However, there is no general agreement on this). It should be noted, however, that we become addicted, for example, to cigarettes or alcohol, first mentally and then physically.
Presence mental addictions while it is often more difficult to tell, as generally only the person suffering from it addiction can admit that there is such a problem; there will be no external effects, and there will be no withdrawal syndrome. Unfortunately, admitting it will usually be very difficult for such a person and she will see the scale of the problem herself only when it is at a very advanced stage. It’s these addictions they have become so much more frequent in recent times; these include workaholism, shopaholism, addiction to food (general or specific group, e.g. chocolate), addiction to the Internet, telephone, pornography and masturbation. The reasons for the more frequent occurrence of some of them, such as workaholism, can be found in social conditions, others – in technological development.
Fighting addiction
Both in the accident physical addictionAnd mental, psychotherapy is recommended, but the basic element of the fight against addiction there is the attitude and motivation of the person suffering from it; if one does not want it, there is no chance of success. The basis is also awareness and the ability to admit to the problem. In case of physical addiction of course, it is necessary to discontinue the stimulant itself; you may need to detoxify under medical supervision. It can help as well Support group (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous). In the fight against mental addiction therapy can be particularly helpful as psychological addiction often involves everyday behavior that is harder to quit than the stimulant. People with psychological addiction often find it harder to admit that their behavior happened addictionand participating in therapy can also help.