How To Effectively Stop Hair Loss?

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Hair adds beauty and self-confidence, it is a strength but also a weakness. Their type, thickness and color, we get in the genes. When we lose about 100-150 hair a day, this is the norm, but what when more and more hair is lost? Accept the loss or take up a fight? Can a laser be a help in baldness?

  1. The problem of baldness affects hundreds of thousands of women and men
  2. There are many causes of excessive hair loss, and there are several hundred diseases that manifest in baldness
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Alopecia – the winding road to diagnosis

– There are many causes of excessive hair loss, and there are several hundred diseases manifested by alopecia – informs Dr. Małgorzata Maj from the Dermatology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, mentioning that the causes are telogen effluvium they may include: deficiencies of vitamin D3, ferritin (i.e. proteins that bind iron in the body), folic acid; hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease), hyperprolactinemia, hypercorrhoea. Additional factors are stress, temperature changes in the form of sunburn or frostbite. Therefore, in the case of telogen effluvium, it is most important to establish the cause at the outset: to supplement the deficiency or to treat the disease resulting in baldness.

Androgenetic alopecia is mainly related to genes, but may worsen with age. Although it is more common in men, it also occurs in women – it is not due to excessive testosterone, but due to hyper-reactivity of androgen receptors in the hair follicles, which is genetically determined. Although it is an incurable disease, it is possible to slow down its progression and regain some of the already lost hair – the earlier the therapy is started, the better the results can be obtained. Dr. Małgorzata Maj points out that one type of alopecia does not exclude the coexistence of other types – there are patients who have telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia at the same time.

An individual approach is the basis for success in the fight against baldness

– You should know that some over-the-counter preparations can stimulate hair growth in androgenetic alopecia and at the same time intensify it prolapse in telogen effluviumTherefore, it is necessary to consider each case individually – hair loss is a complex topic, there are no simple answers – explains Dr. M. Maj.

Dr. Marwan Saifi from AM-MED – American Hair Transplant Center in Wrocław (the only clinic in Poland and one of the few in the world that deals exclusively with hair transplantation), who has been performing hair transplantation procedures for 25 years, believes in a similar way: – Each patient requires an individual approach . Hair loss is a problem that affects hundreds of thousands of women and men. Getting the correct diagnosis and applying the appropriate therapy is the key to regaining lost hair, which for many of my patients is the crowning achievement of their beauty.

Methods of combating baldness

A medical treatment against hair loss is, among others. scalp needle mesotherapy – injection of small doses of special cocktails to strengthen and rebuild hair follicles, stimulating and nourishing the scalp cells. Another procedure is to administer, in a similar way as in the case of needle mesotherapy to the scalp, platelet-rich plasma, rich in growth factors, which are involved in tissue repair and regeneration, and also induce the formation of new, healthy blood vessels. , stimulating the scalp and improving microcirculation, or as a procedure increasing the effectiveness of these treatments.

LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) technology has been gaining popularity for many years in various areas of medicine – irradiation helps in the treatment of many diseases (not only dermatological, but also neurological, for example), accelerates wound healing, and helps to solve problems with baldness.

For people with advanced baldnessWhen the hair follicles are inactive and all non-invasive methods are unable to restore our hair, an alternative is hair transplant surgery. Hair Transplant – Follicular Units Grafts and Multi-Follicular Unit Grafts.

Are you wondering which transplant method to choose? Your doubts will be dispelled by a specialist. You can find offers of clinics where you can undergo a hair transplant in the database.

Nowadays used hair transplant techniques allow you to recreate the hair in a natural way, taking into account the hairline, while maintaining constant hair growth, without the need to use additional hair care methods beyond those commonly used, such as washing, cutting and styling. The procedure consists in taking a fragment of the skin from the area of ​​the head (donor area) with constant hair growth (back of the head and its sides), and then, using the magnification, cutting it into microscopic fragments containing individual bellows complexes (containing 1-4 hairs) or several groups follicles (containing 3-6 hairs). These small grafts are then precisely placed in the area of ​​a bald or thinning head (recipient area), so as not to damage the hair follicles there, while maintaining the same angle of hair growth as the hair growing in these areas. The use of such small grafts allows the surgeon to recreate the natural frontal hairline and avoid the effect of an overly expressive, artificial line, which was often the result of the hair transplant technique used years ago.

Worth knowing

Depending on the size of the bald spot in the frontal, middle and posterior (vertex) areas, two to three treatments are performed, with a variable number of grafts depending on the size of the bald spot, the size of the donor area, the type of hair and the types of transplants (single or multiple follicular syndromes) as well as the individual expectations of the patient. .

The hair transplant procedure is now very well tolerated by patients. In the first 24 hours, the grafts become covered with small scabs that fall off within 4-14 days. Transplanted hair begins to grow back, most often within 10-16 weeks, and continues to grow throughout the patient’s life.


Most often, however, both in men and women, with age, there is a gradual process of hair thinning, which also affects the transplanted hair.

However, most doctors recommend starting conservative treatment in case of visible hair loss / loss as soon as possible (described methods in art. Laser with LLLT technology, mesotherapy, platelet-rich plasma, mesotherapy). Even when a patient chooses to undergo surgery, conservative treatment may slow down or even prevent further hair loss.

To reduce the risk of hair loss, reach for Strong Hair – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, the active ingredients of which support the condition of the hair, nourish and nurture it from the inside.

A patient over 20 years of age can be operated on at any age, but the decision about surgical treatment is always made individually depending on many factors. Most patients start surgical treatment when the area under operation is still covered with hair, which makes camouflage much easier. It should be remembered that the process of alopecia is progressive and surgical treatment should not be initiated in too young patients, therefore conservative treatment is recommended, which may improve the condition of the hair.

Laser with the help of alopecia

Numerous clinical studies have shown that laser light (LLLT technology) has a positive effect on hair growth. These devices (“laser comb”, “laser band”) use concentrated monochrome light [ed. and not LED, which is diffused light and has great properties mainly for hairless skin, e.g. face or body], which is highly effective in the case of treating the scalp. Tools equipped with a “cold laser” are used to treat all types of hair loss. These devices can also be used prophylactically and preventively to make the hair thicker and stronger.

The use of a laser is recommended before and after hair transplantation – “before” to strengthen “grafts” for transplantation, and “after”, because the laser light accelerates the healing of postoperative wounds and supports the growth of transplanted hair. Laser light therapy is recommended: in states of weakness after disease processes, after childbirth for the general improvement of the condition of the scalp and hair. “Laser comb” and “laser band” stimulate hair growth, reduce the amount of sebum, heal hair loss, increase thickness and thickness, reverse the process of hair miniaturization. Using this technology, no adverse side effects have been reported; additionally, it is worth emphasizing that this treatment is pharmacological-free.

The use of laser – benefits

Laser devices (comb and band) work on the principle of laser phototherapy. They ensure that the delicate and nourishing laser light reaches hair follicles, which stimulates the release of energy and creates healthier conditions for hair growth. Such laser energy stimulation stimulates hair growth by increasing the level of cellular energy through the increased production of ATP. The carrier of energy in our body is the ATP compound – adenosine triphosphate, which has a high energy potential due to the presence of bonds in its structure, the breakdown of which causes the energy stored in them to be released. Energy is necessary in the body for all biological processes (cell division or transport of various substances inside them), it increases blood flow to the follicles, increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients, activates protection with oxidants, and accelerates the removal of such harmful substances as DHT (dihydrotestosterone – male sex hormones, i.e. androgen). The substance is made of testosterone with the participation of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase; it is formed in various parts of the body, not only in the adrenal glands or the scalp.

DHT can also be produced by women’s bodies, because they also produce small amounts of testosterone, which, under favorable conditions, can convert into dihydrotestosterone. When DHT binds to the androgen receptors of the hair papillae, it interferes with the supply of nutrients, resulting in impaired hair production – first, the resting phase of the hair lengthens, and then the hair becomes weaker and weaker, until the hair follicles begin to disappear by themselves, i.e. they are getting weaker, move deeper into the skin and completely stop producing new hair or produce only a weak, characteristic fluff, covering many bald patches . It is then about the process of miniaturization of the hair follicles, which took place as a result of the action of DHT. Laser light therapy supports the restoration of the natural hair growth cycle, resulting in the growth of new hair that is thicker, thicker.

Experts on the treatment of baldness

“Laser comb” and “laser band” are therapeutic devices using cold red light laser beams that have been clinically tested and approved for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and for the promotion of hair growth in both men and women by the U.S. Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA), explains Dr. Marwan Saifi: – From the very beginning I have been observing and participating in clinical trials, therefore, based on my many years of knowledge and experience, I recommend my patients to use a laser. It happens that very young people come to the consultation, for whom it is not advisable to perform a hair transplant because of their age, then I recommend conservative use of the laser along with proven trichological dermocosmetics, which have a positive effect on hair growth. I would like to add that recently I experienced something amazing with two of my patients, namely they achieved great results using only the laser and the mentioned cosmetics according to my recommendations. There was no transplant! » – confesses the doctor.

– Hair is our strength and weakness – confesses Jaga Hupało [ed. well-known hair designer, stylist, designer, creator of numerous theater, film and opera projects / Jaga Hupało Born To Create): – Being an expert and professional is a constant curiosity and constant search for new products and solutions to clients’ problems. One of the major challenges is preventing hair loss – our offer includes strengthening, anti-age and hair stimulating treatments. I remember when a few years ago I read in the American Vogue about the innovative technology hidden in the laser band – I was very curious.At the very beginning, there was a group of people (ladies and gentlemen, aged 40+) who showed great interest in the subject . We have been testing devices in the showroom for over a year – first the technology based on LED lights, then the laser band. Today I know that the therapy with the “laser comb” and “laser band”, due to the proven operation and noticeable effects, is satisfactory for many of our clients. The treatment is painless because the laser light is cold, shallow, concentrated light that penetrates directly into the scalp cells. Additionally, it is important that the product can be used at home. Recently, during the ExCel fair in London, I had the opportunity to spot another novelty – a baseball cap with laser light. Technology gains an interesting utility design and has a great potential for modern development – combining fashion and health. Great idea! I would like to add that our Studio holds a Beautiful Hair Day every month, which gathers a group of specialists: a doctor, trichologists and hair stylists – it is an opportunity to talk about proper hair care in a wider context. We promote the most fashionable approach to hair, starting with the health of the scalp.

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