It turns out that in the summer it is much easier to fight excess weight. Heat itself, water and healthy vegetables will help you. For all those who are interested in this (read: for everyone in general), we have collected the recommendations of nutritionist Natalia Sevastyanova.
The main thing is attitude
Regardless of when we want to lose weight, in hot or cold weather, the first thing to decide on is the motivation to lose weight. Because if your team, who is concerned about your weight, or a doctor, or a spouse, or someone else wants this, this game does not work, it is absolutely not worth the candle. All recommendations will not be effective and will not give the desired result. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to is a clear, independently made decision about a possible weight loss. Only if you agree with this point can you plan further productive actions.
Diets in the past
In the heat, as in any other period, you need to make sure that the basic requirements for a balanced diet are met. And these requirements will be the same regardless of the season, our mood. These are the rules of the game, this is an axiom without which we cannot act.
First of all, we must remember that any diet is a road to nowhere. Therefore, if we really want to control the situation in full, we must focus on rational nutrition. Rational nutrition is based primarily on the fact that we eat fractionally. Accordingly, if we eat 2 times a day – in the morning on the run, being late for work, and in the evening, giving ourselves the opportunity to relax and get maximum pleasure at the same time, then we will not agree with our body. This is a disadvantageous eating behavior. The best that we can give our body is a feeling of stability, and stability will be only when we eat fractionally.
Therefore, rule number 1: food intake every 3,5-4 hours.
In total, we should go out for 5-6 meals a day. The difference in the number of meals may be due to the length of your individual daylight hours, because if we wake up at 5 am and go to bed at 12 or at 6 am, our individual daylight hours are quite long. Therefore, 11 meals will fit perfectly into this time period. If you are a late bird and wake up at 12-12 and go to bed at 5, then 5 meals will be quite appropriate. I would recommend to evenly distribute the daylight hours for 6-XNUMX intervals and add meal reminders to your gadget so that it obsessively reminds you of this for some time. Because in any case, the eating habit needs to be developed, and the “reminder” at first, although it will be annoying, but it will give the opportunity, like Pavlov’s dog, to react literally with saliva, and you will want to eat.
Rule number 2: no hypocaloric diets.
If we consume less than 1200 calories – women, and less than 1500 calories – men, then we will corner ourselves. The body will never part with extra pounds if it is on its knees, and instead of relaxing and performing physiological tasks, the body will be forced to work in a defensive mode. Consequently, short-term weight loss will be followed by a long period of stagnation, which will be very difficult to overcome. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that with inappropriate nutrition, mono-diets, hypocaloric nutrition, we lose muscle mass. And if we lose muscle mass, we lose a large factory for the processing of those calories that we bring into the body from the outside. Efficiency from all of our nutritional establishments tends to zero. And one has only to relax and return to a more idle eating behavior and diversify the grocery basket, the fat and water will instantly return to their place. Remember, grease and water are comrades that are easy enough to get rid of, but they come back just as quickly if you make strategic nutritional blunders.
An important takeaway: no mono-diets and hypocaloricity, in order not to lose the muscle mass that we have.
Rule # 3: control fluid intake.
This is especially true in hot weather. If we do not drink water, we increase the risk of dehydration, we inhibit metabolic processes, because water is a universal companion that participates in all stages of the body’s life. Plus, if we don’t drink water, we slow down the detoxification process and actually poison ourselves. Therefore, we drink water, 1,5-2 liters per day, if we go in for sports or even exercise, the need for fluid may increase.
Rule # 4: Control Your Protein Intake.
In the summer, many go to lighter food, lean on berries, fruits, vegetables, but at the same time animal products – meat, poultry, fish – fade into the background. This is also a mistake. I have already talked about the importance of muscles for adequate weight control and for maintaining a certain rate of metabolic processes. If we do not introduce enough proteins with a good amino acid composition from the outside, we thereby do the body a disservice. Therefore, the diet must necessarily contain sources of complete protein, preferably of both animal and plant origin, because only plant proteins cannot satisfy our needs.
There is such a magic rule in classical dietetics: if we have not eaten the right amount of protein within the required calorie intake, then the hand will naturally reach for fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, if we do not want to make an irrational choice in favor of sweets that go to the thighs, then it makes sense to control proteins. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition, our population of protein is malnourished.
Healthy snack
If we follow all the above rules, but at the same time we cannot cope with appetite or we want to relax and chew something, then vegetables are a win-win option. But here by no means do I mean potatoes, which are on a separate line. I would recommend to everyone who is at the stage of weight loss to limit potatoes only to use in first courses and not to use as a side dish. All other vegetables have a fairly low glycemic index, have a low calorie content, so they can be eaten with impunity, in large quantities, without harming the body. Moreover, vegetables, in addition to vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances that help digestion, promote rejuvenation and many more positive processes, are also a source of fiber.
Fiber itself makes it possible to mechanically fill the gastrointestinal tract, thereby creating a feeling of satiety and fullness. This is very important, because the signal to the brain in this situation goes like this: “Calm down, you were fed, do not worry and leave the kitchen.” This gives a sense of stability. Plus, fiber allows the intestines to work normally, as it creates favorable conditions for the correct microflora. In addition, fiber is a good adsorbent that removes everything unnecessary from the body.