How to eat well during pregnancy?

How to eat well during pregnancy?

How to eat well during pregnancy?

The specifications according to the different quarters

1er quarter

Energy requirements (calories) are increased from the first trimester. On the other hand, it is not necessary to eat for two. An addition of 100 kcal would be sufficient to meet the energy requirements. An additional serving from one of the four groups in Canada’s Food Guide such as a cup of 1% milk, a 175 ml (175 g) serving of plain yogurt, 1 slice of bread or 60 ml (30 g) of dried cranberries would be sufficient. to meet additional needs. The nutrient to watch for in the first trimester is folic acid.

2e quarter

In the second trimester, the energy requirement increases by 340 kcal compared to the mother’s basic energy requirement. This energy surplus could represent, for example, 5 crackers with peanut butter and 1 serving of yogurt (3/4 cup, 175 ml or 175 g) with blueberries.

3e quarter

In the last trimester, the baby grows very fast, and the additional energy requirement is 450 kcal. This surplus represents 60 ml (35 g) of nuts, 1 cup (250 ml) of milk, 1 granola bar and 1 fruit. The nutrient to watch out for in the 3rd trimester is iron because this is when the fetus stores the iron stores it will need for the first six months of life.



Public Health Agency of Canada: Primary Prevention of Neural Tube Defects Using Folic Acid (22050. Page consulted online March 30, 2013: report / prevention-eng.php

American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Nutrition and Lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy outcome. J Am Diet Assoc 2008; 108(3):553-561

Institute of Medicine (IOM) « Weight Gain During Pregnancy : Reexamining the Guidelines », Washington, DC : The National Academies Press, 2009.

Health Canada- Vitamin D and Calcium: Revised Dietary Reference Intakes. Page consulted online, March 30, 2013:

Health Canada-Nutrition During Pregnancy. Page consulted online, March 30, 2013:



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