How to “eat stress”?

No matter how much nutritionists say that you should not try to drown out emotions or cheer yourself up with food, in difficult periods we forget about these recommendations. It’s hard to resist the temptation to chew on something when you’re nervous or tired. How not to aggravate the situation?

Often, in moments of severe stress, a person does not want to eat at all, because all the reserves of the body are included in the work on solving urgent problems. Wasting energy on digesting food is simply not worth it. But in the phase of acute stress, some begin to “seize” experiences with sweet and fatty foods.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this, provided that it does not become a habit and the person does not overeat at the slightest sign of stress. Moreover, in 2015, scientists from the University of Maastricht conducted a study that showed that for people with a certain genotype, sweets eaten in stressful situations are even useful. It helps not to overeat various fatty delicacies. Of course, we are talking about reasonable amounts, you should not abuse sweets.

When a person is constantly under pressure, experiencing stress or chronic fatigue, his body needs a properly organized “anti-stress” diet to help cope with exhaustion.

How to eat during stressful situations?

To help the body survive stress, you need to give preference to complex carbohydrates: cereals, whole grain bread. The body also needs proteins, and it is optimal to get them from low-fat foods: white poultry meat, fish.

Fish is also useful because it contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the functions of the central nervous system and brain activity. In addition, research by the US National Institutes of Health has revealed a link between mood and omega-3 acids. Try to eat at least five meals a day with a varied and balanced diet.

Avoid food stimulants

During periods of stress, it is best to avoid food stimulants – especially coffee and alcohol. They give only a short-term effect and a short-lived feeling of a surge of strength, but in fact they deplete the nervous system even more. From drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices, herbal teas, clean water are useful.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

Include fruits and vegetables in your diet while you’re stressed. They contain the sugar necessary for a feeling of joy. In addition, vegetables and fruits have bright and attractive natural colors. And studies have shown that bright and colorful food has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state.

For example, tomatoes, according to studies conducted in Japan and China, reduce the risk of severe depression by several times. It’s all about lycopene, the pigment that gives the tomato its bright red color: it is the most powerful antioxidant among carotenoids and reduces damage from free radical oxidation processes.

Postpone the diet until better times

In no case do not go on a diet during stressful periods: any diet is already stressful for the body. Also forget about fatty, fried foods, a lot of meat: all this is hard to digest and increases the load on an already exhausted body.

Limit your intake of sweets

You can not abuse and sweets, although they certainly improve mood. Do not exceed your norm, otherwise an excess of sweets will not bring benefits, but problems, for example, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. You need to monitor not only the quantity of sweets, but also the quality: it is better to refuse milk chocolates and rich cookies, preferring honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate.

Get in the habit of healthy snacking

If you feel like chewing constantly during stressful moments, try to make this “soothing gum” useful. And in order not to run to the refrigerator for another piece of harmful sausage, cut and arrange bright vegetables on several plates and arrange them around the house.

Eat dairy products

If well tolerated, it is useful to include fermented milk products in the diet, which also improve mood.

Take vitamins

If the stress is chronic, in consultation with the doctor, it is useful to drink a complex of multivitamins, magnesium and B vitamins, which optimize the functions of the central nervous system.

Anna Karshieva


Candidate of Medical Sciences, gastroenterologist-hepatologist of the Atlas Medical Center, general practitioner of the highest category. Develops personalized nutritional recommendations.

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