Turmoil and race, tension and stress, lack of consistency in nutrition and circadian rhythms… Such is life in a modern metropolis. All this directly affects how we feel during the day and night, how we react to new tasks. It’s no secret that good sleep helps us to restore strength, but in order to sleep well, you need to … eat right. Beauty expert Julia Enhel tells how exactly.
The modern rhythm of life makes many of us sacrifice our health. This is the reality, but does that mean there’s nothing we can do about it? No, it doesn’t. It is in our power to provide ourselves with systemic nutrition and sleep.
How? First of all, by determining which foods give us energy, and which ones cause intoxication. To do this, it is enough to do a blood test: modern innovative technologies developed by Japanese scientists allow us to calculate the features and needs of our body. And by adjusting your diet, you can get rid of a number of ailments and improve the quality of life – including by ensuring a good night’s sleep.
What influences it?
1. Dietary fiber is responsible for the duration of sleep
During the phases of deep sleep, our body is restored and recharged with energy. To make these phases last longer, add fiber-rich foods to your diet, such as walnuts, a source of tryptophan (an amino acid that produces kynurenine, serotonin, melatonin and niacin and acts as a natural mood regulator), almonds rich in magnesium, bran and cereals, which, among other things, will help restore the functioning of the digestive tract. All this will also help to speed up falling asleep, normalize the duration of sleep and circadian rhythms in general.
2. Sugar affects the rate of falling asleep
To reduce the risk of insomnia and stress levels in the morning, it is worth reducing sugar intake, especially right before bedtime (even a few hours in advance). Sugar stimulates the onset of a fast phase of sleep: the body does not have time to recover and gain strength, and therefore in the morning we are overcome by a feeling of fatigue.
If evening tea with sweets has become such a habit that you can’t imagine going to bed without it, give preference to honey, a source of natural sugar. A small spoon of honey will enhance the calming effect of chamomile tea: the level of glycine will increase, the nervous system will calm down, muscle tension will subside. In addition, such a drink increases insulin levels, which allows tryptophan, which is responsible for sleep quality and mood, to interact with the brain faster.
3. Hydration is responsible for the quality of sleep
Water enriched with hydrogen molecules restores the function of cells in such a way that they all start to work like clockwork: the metabolism and detoxification function of the body improves, the acid-base balance is restored. This water is 6 times more effective than regular water in providing the process of hydration, which makes it ideal for normalizing sleep and wakefulness.
4. Sleep phases are affected by saturated fats.
Our sleep consists of two main stages – REM and non-REM sleep. If we wake up abruptly during REM sleep, our psyche cannot function normally for a long time. If the diet is dominated by saturated fats, the slow-wave sleep phase becomes shorter, which means that we do not get enough sleep and feel tired in the morning, so it is worth minimizing their consumption.
Include in your diet tuna and salmon, rich in vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of melatonin and serotonin, as well as shrimp, an invaluable source of tryptophan.
5. Sleep health is determined by vitamins
To feel great and sleep healthy, you need a balance of all forms of vitamins, both water-soluble and fat-soluble. First of all, it is worth taking an analysis for vitamins: not only our sleep, immunity and mood, but also our appearance depend on these indicators. It is important to remember that only a doctor can make adjustments to the nutrition system and select the appropriate vitamins.
6. Hydrotherapy improves deep sleep
As we said earlier, hydrogen is extremely useful for our body. This powerful antioxidant has no contraindications and side effects, it not only slows down the aging process, but also increases the bioavailability of active substances by 1000 times.
To ensure a healthy sleep, it is recommended to take a course of hydrogen inhalations, which purify the blood in 30 minutes. This process of cell rejuvenation is recognized by the international community as the safest. As a result of electrolysis, which takes place in special apparatuses, HHO gas is formed, which has neither taste nor smell. Once in the body, it breaks down into hydrogen ions and atomic oxygen.
The oxygen atom is assimilated as it should be, and hydrogen ions enter into a chemical reaction with the hydroxyl radical, the accumulation of which is one of the main reasons for the body’s aging, cell aging and sleep deterioration. The result of such a reaction is simple water, which additionally nourishes every cell of the body, and the effect is instantaneous.
All of the above changes will help improve the quality of sleep, and therefore increase the level of mental well-being.
About the Developer
Julia Angel – a specialist in the field of beauty, health and youth innovations, president of the international corporation ENHEL Group, founder of the innovative spa clinic ENHEL Wellness Spa Dome.