How to eat right to become a long-liver? food waste

How to eat right to become a long-liver? food waste

You can extend the years of your life if you pay enough attention to the diet and do not consume the so-called food waste.

Nutrition of the centenarians of Greece. To become a centenarian, it is worth adopting the lifestyle of centenarians in Greece. Both in the mountains and on the plains, in this country there are a lot of those who are called centenarians – elderly people from 90 to 115 years old. The main factors that allow them to live to a ripe old age are lemons, olive oil and pure mountain water.

Active work. Both the inhabitants of the mountains and the inhabitants of the plains lead an active lifestyle and do not need medical assistance. Moreover, even after 100 years, they do not exclude active sex from their lives, and this rule is the same for both men and women. Despite the harsher conditions, there are more centenarians in the mountain villages, and those who are over 100 years old are found exclusively in the mountains.

In mountain villages, there is no heating in houses, except for stoves, and this despite the fact that in winter the temperature often drops to -5-10°C. The diet of mountain centenarians often includes meat, mainly lamb. And it is included in the diet at least 3 times a week. There is almost no fruit, but wine, sheep’s milk cheese and wild herbs are always on the table all year round. Both men and women of older age do not deny themselves the pleasure of drinking alcohol regularly. The quality of drinking water from mountain springs is simply exceptional!

Often there are old people over 100-110 years old who do not use medicines at all. Centenarians in the mountains practically do not get sick with obstructive pulmonary disease typical for these places. The oldest centenarian regularly works in her garden under the scorching sun.

Longevity on the islands

On the island plain of Greece, the oldest centenarian has reached the age of 95 years, more recently, centennial old people were not uncommon. A typical family disease for these places is cardiac arrhythmia, but centenarians have adapted to it.

The typical diet of the inhabitants of the plains is fish and seafood (shrimp, squid and octopus). They rarely eat meat, only a few times a year, more often on major holidays. But the frequent use of alcohol in large quantities is not considered something shameful. In summer, due to the annual drought, there is little fresh fruit in the diet. But in winter, oranges, lemons and local spicy greens are always in abundance. The people of the plains prefer goat cheese.

Both the inhabitants of the mountains and the inhabitants of the plains have an abundance of lemons, grape wine, olives and oil from this crop all year round. The composition of almost every dish includes lemon juice, it is added to salads, meat and fish dishes, and even jam.

Drinking water in the plains has an unpleasant taste – it is hard and salty. Despite this, older islanders prefer such water to bottled drinking water. Perhaps it is the diet that has a positive effect on the absence of constipation in Greek centenarians who do not use any laxatives.

Food Junk – List of Foods to Avoid!

How to eat right to become a long-liver? food waste

Gastroenterologist patients are often interested in what foods to include in their diet in order to maintain an active immune system, have a stable weight and regular bowel movements. Recently, it is not uncommon that even children of primary preschool age cannot do without laxatives. Adult patients need to cleanse the body of toxins. However, cleansing the body should not begin with the introduction of some exceptional products into the diet, but with the exclusion of food waste from it! This rule is equally true for everyone: for children and the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, for people of active age. It is impossible to cleanse the body without eliminating the “food waste” from your food basket!

Food waste includes all long-term storage products, as well as what can be used as food in finished form. It is difficult to find counter contents in a modern supermarket that do not fit into this category. Almost every food product contains flavors, thickeners, flavors and substitutes. The modern consumer is not surprised to meet burning cottage cheese, plastic rice, milk that does not turn sour for weeks, hydrolytic oil.

The category of “food waste” includes products familiar to us: ready-made dumplings, bread, confectionery, as well as alcohol and artificially produced drinks. There can be no natural juice packed in boxes, the shelf life of which is much more than 3 days.

“Junk” products also include meat and dairy products with a shelf life of more than 3 days, and sour cream and cottage cheese – more than one week. The manufacturer almost never informs the gullible consumer at what cost such long-term storage is achieved – by the addition of antibiotics or the use of non-food raw materials.

You should not be categorical about the use of such natural products as salt and sugar, although instead of the latter it is better to use honey and dried fruits. Salt abuse is only harmful to older people with kidney failure.

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