How to eat right larks and owls


Due to the different biological rhythm, the food needs of those who wake up early and those who like the nightlife are completely different. Scientists believe that belonging to the order of owls or larks is primarily influenced by heredity. But nobody cancels going to work, household chores, and therefore, in order for both to exist comfortably, you should adhere to your diet and set of products.


These are people who go to bed early – no later than 23.00, and at 6-7 in the morning they easily wake up and cheerfully start important business. Morning activity with improper nutrition can significantly decrease by lunchtime.


Lark’s breakfast should be very hearty and satisfying, consisting of complex carbohydrates. / that can be buckwheat, oatmeal or a protein version – an omelet, a sandwich with boiled eggs. Caffeine will overexcite the already energetic larks, and the strength will probably run out faster.

Skylark lunch should also be very high in calories – soups, meats, and fish with side dishes like potatoes and pasta. Green tea will restore strength and stimulate performance.

Early bedtime dinner should be no later than 7 p.m. – and this is the easiest meal of the day. Give preference to salad, sour milk drinks and fruits, with the exception of bananas and grapes.

Larks should take sweet fruits or berries with them for a snack.


Owls stay up late, and in the morning they cannot get out of bed. And the most common mistake owls make is ignoring breakfast and eating at night.

The owl’s breakfast should be aimed at accelerating metabolism and the appearance of strength, and therefore it is desirable that it consist of light foods – fermented milk. Yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit pieces, vegetable salad or muesli. On an empty stomach, it is advisable to drink green tea or warm water to provoke appetite.

For lunch, owls should eat light soup or pure broth, in summer – okroshka and other cold soups, vegetables with poultry or steamed fish.

An owl’s dinner should be satisfying enough so that around midnight you won’t get a false feeling of hunger and gorge itself before bed. You can have dinner with the owl and around 21.00 – seafood, lean meat with a vegetable side dish or salad.

For a snack, owls are good at cheering up with citrus or sour fruits.

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