Rhubarb is an amazing plant that has a number of useful properties. But, despite the fact that this culture has long been grown in Europe, for many it remains an undeservedly ignored exotic.

What is rhubarb and what does it look like

The history of rhubarb dates back to ancient China. There, for thousands of years, healers used it as a medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, and also treated skin diseases and various inflammations with it. In the XIII century. rhubarb was brought to Europe, where they also tried to create medicines based on it. It was not possible to repeat the success of Chinese healers, however, in the XNUMXth century. culture has gained wide popularity due to its gastronomic properties. In the XNUMXth century she came to the territory of present-day Our Country, where she took root well. Today, this useful plant is not forgotten and is successfully used in cooking, medicine and even landscape design.

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

However, many ordinary people have little idea of ​​the appearance of this plant, often believing that rhubarb and celery are one and the same culture. Actually it is not. Rhubarb belongs to the Buckwheat family and is a perennial herbaceous plant, which, unlike celery, belongs to the Umbrella biennial crops. It stands out for its straight and thick stems, reaching a height of 1 – 2,5 with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. Their surface has a rich crimson color, turning into a light green color. Each stem has 10-30 large fleshy leaves on long, up to 70 cm petioles. The size of the leaf plates increases closer to the base of the plant.

The flowers of the plant are excellent honey plants. Their color varies, depending on the variety, and can be white, greenish, less often pinkish or bright red. Individually, the flowers are not too remarkable, but in inflorescences that resemble shreds of sea foam, they look quite impressive. The photo above clearly shows what rhubarb looks like during flowering.

Rhubarb: Is it a fruit or vegetable?

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

Since this plant is often used in cooking for the preparation of a variety of confectionery, it is not surprising that it is often confused with fruit. But in reality, rhubarb can be considered a dessert vegetable, along with asparagus and artichoke.

What does rhubarb taste and smell like?

Although nominally a vegetable, rhubarb is highly prized by dessert and fruit drink makers for its subtle sour taste that can be compared to green apples and strawberries. This plant fully reveals its gastronomic properties in combination with sweet dishes.

The smell of rhubarb is also remarkable. It has an unusual tart smell, reminiscent of the aroma of roses, interspersed with berry notes. This exotic combination has made rhubarb a popular ingredient in perfumery.

How Rhubarb Grows

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

In addition to the extraordinary taste and medicinal properties of the petioles of the plant shown in the photo, it is worth mentioning how rhubarb grows. It is classified as a shade-tolerant plant that does not need a lot of light, although it grows somewhat more slowly with strong shading. In the same area, the culture can grow up to 15 years, but after 10 years of life it begins to produce smaller crop volumes, therefore, after this period, the plant is recommended to be renewed.

In comparison with other vegetable crops, the main method of propagation of rhubarb in horticulture is the division of the rhizome. The root system of the plant is very powerful and is able to quickly recover from damage, growing even more extensively. Seed propagation is also applicable to this culture, but not as successfully as division. The seeds of the plant germinate already at 2 ° C, but the temperature from 10 to 20 ° C is considered optimal for development.

Competent watering will help to ensure a good crop crop. The plant prefers moderately moist soil, but does not grow well in places where groundwater lies close to the surface. Excess moisture adversely affects the state of the root system, provokes rotting. In turn, the lack of water affects the delicate texture and taste of the petioles, making them tough and bitter.

Where does rhubarb grow in Our Country

In addition to its country of origin, China, rhubarb, both wild and cultivated, is widely distributed in other Asian countries. In some areas of Europe, in particular in England, as well as in the USA, it is bred for industrial purposes. In Our Country, rhubarb also grows quite successfully. Due to its high frost resistance, it is not afraid of cold down to -30 ° C, which makes this plant suitable for growing not only in the climate of the middle zone, but also in Siberia.

How to eat rhubarb

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

Although rhubarb is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, you can only get the most out of it if you eat it properly. Not all parts of rhubarb are edible: only the juicy and long petioles of the leaves of the plant are considered edible, as in the photo.

Important! The stem, roots and large fleshy leaves of the plant are poisonous to humans due to the high content of toxic substances and oxalic acid. It is strictly not recommended to eat them.

Rhubarb stalks can be eaten raw, after peeling them from the shiny skin. In addition, they can be boiled, fried and candied. Finely chopped rhubarb stalks are traditionally added

  • in salads;
  • sauces for meat and fish;
  • borscht and other soups;
  • stuffing for stuffing;
  • desserts and confectionery;
  • ice cream.

From these parts of the plant also receive:

  • kvass, compotes and other refreshing drinks;
  • wine;
  • jam and jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • mousses;
  • jelly.
Advice! Heat treatment of rhubarb should take no more than 7 – 10 minutes, otherwise the plant loses its shape and boils.

When to Eat Rhubarb

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

Rhubarb is a unique plant of its kind, as it gives a harvest at the end of May, when most crops are just beginning to bloom. In order for rhubarb to bring only benefits, and the harm from its use to be minimized, you need to learn how to properly collect its edible parts:

  1. When choosing petioles, they should be carefully examined. Soft stems are considered ripe, not less than 20–30 cm long and not more than 80 cm long. They should be 1,5–3 cm wide.
  2. The petiole must not be torn off. You can separate it from the plant if you gently take it at the base and slowly pull it up, twisting it clockwise. The mature part of the plant will easily lag behind the stem itself. In case of difficulties, the petiole is cut off with a sharp knife.
  3. You can’t cut absolutely all the leaves from rhubarb at a time, otherwise the plant will die. 3-4 leaf plates should be placed so that the next year the culture can recover.
  4. The crop must be harvested every 15 – 20 days, from the end of May to mid-July. Starting from the second half of July, the plant accumulates in all its parts, including petioles, a large amount of concentrated oxalic acid, which is dangerous to health.
  5. It is necessary to limit the flowering of rhubarb at harvest time. During the budding period, the plant actively accumulates substances that are toxic to humans. Removing flower stalks before mid-July will increase the time of collection of petioles.
  6. From the collected leaves, you need to remove the leaf plate, rinse the petioles, and then remove the peel from them. In this form, rhubarb can be eaten immediately or processed.
Important! Raw rhubarb is not recommended for children under 12 years of age and people with diseases of the pancreas and stomach. It is better to serve it as part of dishes or in a thermally processed form.

Can you eat rhubarb leaves

In addition to petioles, young rhubarb leaves can also be used as food. Delicate leaf plates are used in the manufacture of spices and various sauces, such as chutney. However, many doctors recommend against using them, as they contain toxic oxalic acid salts that cannot be eliminated at home.

What is made from rhubarb

How to eat rhubarb: leaves and stalks

As mentioned above, the petioles of the plant have proven to be a tasty and healthy ingredient for various kinds of desserts: from puddings and jellies to marmalade and pies. They are valued in the manufacture of seamings, jams, jams and compotes, moreover, for such dishes, the most juicy petioles from 2,5 to 3 cm thick are used. Savory dishes such as salads, stews, vegetable purees and pickles also go well with this crop.

But the use of rhubarb is not limited to cooking alone. The laxative and anti-inflammatory properties of medicinal varieties of the plant have found application in traditional medicine, where drugs based on its root are produced to help cope with indigestion, for example, Radirex.

Rhubarb root extract has also proved its usefulness in cosmetology – as a component of various face creams and masks. He did not go unnoticed in the field of perfumery.


Rhubarb is a healthy plant with excellent taste, the properties of which are often underestimated. Especially brightly its qualities are shown in cookery, thanks to almost universal appointment. Knowing the rules for collecting and consuming this crop, you can not only diversify your menu, but also enrich your diet with many vitamins and other nutrients.

Rhubarb pie – tasty and healthy

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