How to eat pitahaya: properly peel ripe, red and white
Not knowing what kind of fruit it is, it is difficult to understand how pitahaya is eaten. Exotic fruit can be eaten in a variety of ways. It has a lot of useful properties, but it can cause an unexpected reaction in the body.
How to choose ripe pitahaya
This fruit grows well in Southeast Asia, where it is brought from. Dragon fruit, dragon eye, pitahaya – as soon as they do not call these interesting fruits, which are the fruits of a liana-shaped cactus. This fruit looks like an elongated pink or yellow apple covered with scales. He looks as if someone began to peel off the peel from him and threw it, without completing it. The weight of the pitahaya can be up to 600 g.
They eat pitahaya by cutting it in half or into slices
The dragon’s eye, brought from warm countries, does not have a bright taste. It remotely resembles the taste of kiwi and banana. Choosing a tropical exotic, you should avoid fruits with damaged skin: it should be rich in color. Soft fruits are more fragrant, this property indicates maturity.
How to distinguish between red and white pitahaya
There are different types of this fruit. Speaking about the color of the pitahaya, they mean the color of its pulp: it can be crimson or snow-white. In this case, the color of the peel in both cases remains pink.
The exception is the yellow dragon’s eye. It has a yellow rind and light flesh.
In addition to the different colors, the pulp of the fruit has a peculiarity – dark seeds, due to which the inside of the fruit seems to be covered with poppy seeds.
How to properly peel and eat fruit
There are several ways to free the dragon’s eyes from the inedible top layer, depending on the further use. The fruit can be peeled:
- like a banana, starting at the top, leaving a firm flesh in the hand;
- like an orange, in slices;
- like a kiwi, cutting in half to be eaten with a spoon;
- like a popsicle, peeling off the skin as the pulp is eaten.
If you want to use the fruit in a salad, cut it in half and cut the pulp, leaving the skin in a boat. The edible part must be cut into cubes and put in boats along with other fruits.
Useful properties of the dragon’s eye and its dangerous sides
This exotic fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is used for joint diseases. An abundance of fiber helps to cleanse the intestines. This fruit is recommended for diabetes mellitus as it affects blood sugar levels. However, it must be tried carefully the first time: it can cause an allergic reaction.
Tropical pitahaya will decorate any fruit salad, it is easy to free from the skin, it has a pleasant and not too bright taste. This delicate fruit is difficult to transport, so it is best to taste it in warm countries.
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