How to eat mangosteen correctly: fruit, peel

How to eat mangosteen correctly: fruit, peel

Having learned how to eat mangosteen, few people will be able to refuse its unusual taste. The soft pulp contains a lot of juice, which, depending on the ripeness of the fruit, is sweet or sour. It bears similarities to other gifts from the tropics: longan and rambutan.

How to choose the right tropical fruit

The luscious and illuminating gift of the tropics is rarely found on store shelves. The reason is that it does not participate in bulk exports. It can only be found in abundance at home. The skin of a ripe specimen is dense and very hard. It is painted in a dark purple hue. Inside there is a delicate pulp that resembles garlic cloves. There are many small bones in it that do not need to be separated. Ripe fruits emit a pleasant and sweet fruity aroma that is easy to distinguish.

You can find out how to eat mangosteen in the markets where they are sold.

There is a tropical delicacy better fresh. It perfectly refreshes in the heat and quenches thirst. The rich vitamin composition has a positive effect on the human body. Vitamins strengthen the protective functions of the immune system. Zinc and magnesium regulate the activity of the thyroid gland. Plant fibers cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolism. Fresh and light, the fruit can be eaten in any quantity. It contains almost no calories. Vegetable protein, glucose and fructose give a boost of vivacity.

After heat treatment, the fruit loses its unusual taste. It is used in cooking mainly fresh. It is a wonderful decoration for desserts and salads. Its sweet fresh scent stimulates the appetite. You can make syrup or jam from mangosteen. In this case, the time of thermal exposure should not exceed 10 minutes. Otherwise, the result will be tasteless. For export, the product is canned.

How tropical food is cleaned

First of all, a fresh exotic delicacy must be thoroughly washed in hot water. Dust particles and dirt can accumulate on the surface of the peel. The fruit is firmly fixed in the hand by the green tail. They take a sharp knife in the other hand and carefully make an incision around the entire circumference of the peel. The upper part is easily detached from the edible slices. After that, they are taken out with a fork from the bottom. All parts of the fruit can be consumed:

  • the peel is processed to get rid of the bitterness. Jelly is made from it;
  • the seeds are boiled or fried in a pan.

Jam is purchased for long-term storage. It can remain in the jar for a long time without losing its taste.

In exotic countries, you should definitely try mangosteen. It is incomparable with the traditional fruits of our latitudes, so it will become a vivid memory of your vacation.

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