How to eat in order not to gain weight: 2 rules and 8 principles

Anna Ostriy, author of the book “Simple and Easy Recipes for a Former Fat Woman,” lost 35 kg in three years. And it has been maintaining optimal weight for 18 years, without exhausting itself with prohibitions and restrictions. How does she do it?

The first rule: If you want to lose weight and consolidate the result, you will have to learn how to cook. Semi-finished products, ready meals, sausages and smoked products of industrial production are poorly balanced in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, contain a lot of sugar and salt, as well as additives and preservatives that slow down the metabolism, leading to slagging of the body.

The second rule: to lose weight, you need to eat. Exactly! To stay in shape, you can not starve. Deprivations and restrictions invariably lead to breakdowns. It is important for the body to get enough nutrients and calories.

However, you can not exceed the limit of 1400-1800 kcal per day. The exact amount is calculated individually, based on the specific parameters of a person and lifestyle. In addition, there are eight other key rules based on the complementarity of nutrients.

Hearty breakfast

Nutritionists agree that a full breakfast helps prevent weight gain. What is eaten before noon gives energy and is completely burned. Eat whole grains (cereals, granola, multi-grain bread), nuts and dried fruits, dairy products, fruits and berries in the morning. Make smoothies. It will be a great start to a new day.

In the rhythm of a waltz

Eat at the expense of one-two-three. According to experts, the habit of eating three times a day is ideal. It allows you to avoid severe hunger and, as a result, overeating, leading to overweight.

Don’t be afraid to change your diet. You can have lunch at noon or at two o’clock in the afternoon. And have dinner – both at seven in the evening and at ten if you go to bed late. The main thing is not to skip a single meal.

plant fibers

Every meal should include raw vegetables, cereals (including durum wheat pasta or whole grain bread), cooked green vegetables (green beans, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli). These foods improve digestion and help keep weight under control.

Don’t Skip Complex Carbohydrates

In the wake of the popularity of protein diets, many exclude carbohydrates from the diet, including fruits. Of course, it is better to refuse simple sugars (sweets and pastries). But complex carbohydrates in moderation provide energy. It is wiser not to remove them completely, otherwise the body will begin to feed on the proteins contained in the muscles. So once a day feel free to eat rice, bulgur, buckwheat, legumes or fruits.

Fat is your friend

There is no big trouble in fatty foods. So, 9% cottage cheese is absorbed better than its fat-free counterpart. Olive oil contains unsaturated acids necessary for the body, and butter allows you to make up for the deficiency of vitamins D and E.

Proteins are the basis

It is ideal to eat at least 70-100 g of meat, fish, eggs, dairy products at each meal. They are sources of protein. First, protein gives a long feeling of fullness, which helps control appetite.

Secondly, when consumed with carbohydrates, it slows down digestion by regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. Finally, protein is the building block of muscles. If you exercise, it increases the amount of muscle mass, and with it, the number of calories burned per day.

Any amount of water

Drinking two liters of water a day helps your body get rid of toxins. It is even better to drink decoctions of lingonberry leaf, thyme, lavender or chicory.

If you add 1-2 teaspoons of unclarified apple cider vinegar, an infusion of celery or mint (melissa) to a glass of water, you get a drink that activates fat burning processes. And tea with the addition of star anise or anise eliminates bloating.

Vegetable broth

It improves metabolism and prevents fat accumulation. Making vegetable broth is very easy. Chop and soak carrots, a stalk of a leek, a beetroot, two stalks of celery, a tomato, and a clove of garlic in cold water. Add sprigs of thyme and parsley, bay leaf and simmer after boiling over low heat until the vegetables are soft. Can be drunk for lunch or dinner.

About the author: Anna Ostriy is the best-selling author of The Ex-Fat Woman’s Simple and Easy Recipes and other books on weight loss and healthy eating.

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