How to eat fruits and berries while dieting: nutritionist advice

Without juicy, ripe and tasty fruits of plants, you must admit, both the day and the diet are sad and tasteless.

There is an opinion that fruits are strictly prohibited during weight loss, since they contain sugar, which prevents you from losing extra pounds. Are there berries and fruits the most low-calorie and mega-useful? Our expert answered this question.

Endocrinologist-nutritionist, wellness coach.

Nutritionists believe that fruits:

– coals that give us energy;

– belong to fast carbohydrates and, accordingly, are a source of fast energy;

– it is they who, no worse than coffee and tea, will help us wake up, cheer up, complete an urgent matter;

– they have a low calorie content, but a fairly high glycemic index.

And if you watch your weight, then it is strictly forbidden to lose weight by eating fruit in buckets or bowls! And what, don’t eat again ?! Yes, but to know …

General rules

1. Arm yourself with a glycemic index (GI) chart and read it carefully before eating fruit to lose weight. Yes, the difference between them is not too great, but it is. The higher the glycemic index of a particular fruit, the less beneficial it is for your slim figure. Over time, you will learn to put in the basket in the store exactly those that are relatively harmless to weight.

2. It is better to eat fruit in the morning, before 15:00.

3. It is strongly not recommended to eat fruit instead of dinner. Fermentation can occur in the gastrointestinal tract, and you simply will not be able to sleep well. And then, fruit is a source of energy, your body will begin to stay awake in the evening, and not prepare for sleep.

4. It is best to eat seasonal fruits. It is they, who matured in due time and in the region of residence, are rich in vitamins and microelements, fiber.

5. Pay attention to unripe specimens, they naturally have less sugar.

6. You need to eat no more than 2 copies per day. If we are talking about small fruits or berries, then the volume of a single serving is an apple. Not a bowl or bowl.

7. Fruit – not an addition to lunch or dinner, but an independent meal. If you are on a diet, then take them into account when calculating the total daily calorie intake.

8. Fresh fruits are great for desserts: when you want something sweet, gobble the fruit rather than cake or ice cream.

9. Fruits processed with sugar syrup are prohibited. For example, candied fruits. This is definitely not a healthy snack, but a real glycemic bomb: with sugar, any harmless product becomes mega-calorie and will definitely be deposited on your barrels.

10. Fruit is best eaten raw. The exception is people with gastrointestinal diseases. They are advised to eat plant foods that have been slightly cooked to reduce the risk of bloating and discomfort.

11. Remember that many fruits are allergens. If you know you itch after a serving of strawberries, try not to consume them. If you are overwhelmed and unable to stop, then take an antihistamine medication to minimize harm. Allergens include all citrus fruits, red apples, persimmons, grapes, plums and red berries – strawberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries.

12. Do not believe in fairy tales: eat an apple – replenish the amount of iron, a banana – and seratonin will arrive, an orange – accumulate vitamin C. Do not consider fruit as a medicine to strengthen the immune system. This is an illusion. To accumulate vitamins in reserve, you must eat tens of kilograms, and this is not useful for either the waist or the gastrointestinal tract. For these purposes, there are special vitamin complexes.

13. Fruit during a diet and in everyday life is just a gastronomic pleasure that we all need, and an alternative to sweets and sweets, without which we girls cannot imagine life.

14. Sitting on a fruit diet is not worth more than one day. Otherwise, digestive problems may arise.

15. It is forbidden to eat fruits at the same time with any other dishes, regardless of the time of day. It is this synthesis that impairs digestion and leads to bloating and increased gas production.

Top 7 useful

Kiwi. GI – 50, kcal – 49.

The famous French nutritionist Michel Montignac advised everyone who is losing weight to start breakfast with kiwi: the plant fibers of this curiosity help to dull the feeling of hunger and remove all excess from the intestines.

Apple. GI – 30, kcal – 44.

Many nutritionists recommend eating an apple for breakfast, because it is a cholesterol-lowering product, and its high fiber content allows you to forget about hunger for a long time. The British love the proverb: “If you want to forget about illness – eat an apple a day.”

A pineapple. GI – 66, kcal – 49.

The pulp of this plant contains bromelain, which helps to break down fats and proteins, to produce gastric juice: all this together and helps to reduce body weight. By the way, bromelain is included in many diet pills.

Apricot. GI – 20, kcal – 40.

Orange fruit perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes the digestive tract and kidneys.

Black and red currants. GI – 15−30, kcal – 38−35

These berries are excellent diuretics and diaphoretic agents that easily remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling.

Citrus. GI – from 22, kcal – from 33.

Citrus fruits eaten at breakfast will help you wake up, speed up metabolic processes, break down fats.

Plum. GI – 22, kcal – 43.

Unsweetened varieties debug the intestines, promote the rapid elimination of toxins and toxins.

If you want to lose weight, then under the ban:

Grapes, watermelon, bananas.

Remember that you should not abuse any, even the most useful, fruits!

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