How to eat for pregnant women: 5 simple but important rules

How to eat for pregnant women: 5 simple but important rules

What is really important to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

For a woman in a position, almost everyone considers it necessary to give their advice on how to behave and what to do: some advise to give up coffee, others – eat for two, and still others – exclude fish. But few can justify their recommendations. We’ve put together a short set of nutritional guidelines for pregnant women that you really should follow. If your doctor doesn’t mind, of course.

1. Remember that the mother’s preferences shape the child’s tastes.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus already begins to recognize tastes and aromas. If a mother chews a carrot with pleasure, the child will also be enthusiastic about it. If a pregnant woman prefers fast food, then the baby will also gravitate towards fatty foods.

Therefore, the most responsible will be to start teaching your baby a healthy diet before birth, avoiding processed foods containing sugar, trans fats and other empty calories. This is also useful for mom: there are less chances to go over the pounds, then it will be easier to part with them. In addition, scientists found that children whose mothers ate properly during pregnancy were less likely to suffer from diabetes and obesity.

2. Do not believe grandmother’s tales

This is us about food for two. Doctors have already set their teeth on edge, saying that you need to increase your daily calorie intake only slightly. In the last trimester, this is only plus 200 kilocalories to the usual energy norm. You need to monitor not the amount of food, but its quality. And try not to exceed the permissible rate of weight gain – on average, it is 12 kilograms in 9 months. Of course, there are different cases, including complications, but this is not a reason not to monitor what you eat.

“Americans consider the individual norm of the energy capacity of a pregnant woman’s daily diet as follows: with bed rest, multiply your weight by 24, if you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle – by 30, with an active lifestyle – by 44. And there are dumplings, pickles, chocolate, and on top a milkshake is not necessary. “

3. Banned steaks

But not all sorts, but only with blood, like soft-boiled eggs. During pregnancy, you can only eat thoroughly cooked, baked or steamed food. The fact is that women in a position need to avoid even the slightest danger of food poisoning. Therefore, you have to give up sushi and sashimi, unpasteurized cheeses with mold, and rinse vegetables and fruits especially thoroughly.

If you catch salmonellosis, then this infection will bring with it not only unpleasant symptoms such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, but also dehydration, which can greatly harm the health of an unborn child.

4. Salmon – yes, tuna – no

Despite all superstitions, pregnant women can and should eat fish. But not every one. Oceanic big fish is now banned. The fact is that such fish often contain quite a lot of mercury. And this metal has an extremely negative effect on the development of the child’s brain and his nervous system as a whole.

But salmon will only be useful. Scientists have shown that children of women who ate this fish twice a week during pregnancy were less likely to suffer from asthma. In addition, fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, thanks to which the child’s brain develops better. In addition, scientists found that children whose mothers took fish oil during pregnancy grew faster in the first six years of life. But, we repeat, the fish must be well cooked: from it you can pick up not only an infection, but also parasites.

5. Observe the regime

Now there is a lot of controversy about how to eat right: three times a day at 8:16, 5-6 times a day in small portions, do not eat four hours before bedtime, and God knows what else to do. But for pregnant women, the rules are the same: you need a regimen. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. The longer the period, the less space remains for the stomach, so the portions need to be crushed – let them be small, but frequent. However, this does not mean that you need to chew around the clock. Wait about 2 hours between snacks.

In addition, pregnant women are often advised to eat something else before getting out of bed. This will help to cope with toxicosis. Therefore, even in the evening, prepare yourself a dryer, a loaf of bread or a banana to eat right after waking up.

Forbidden List:

Nicotine and alcohol.

Coffee – no more than 200 ml per day.

Sugar, sweet drinks – less is better.

Transgender, found in sauces, popcorn, cookies, commercial cakes, convenience foods, fast food, processed foods.

Fast food, except for the risk of obesity, carries nothing.

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