How to eat for a nursing mother (nutrition for breastfeeding)

How to eat for a nursing mother (nutrition for breastfeeding)

Any mother of a nursing child knows firsthand that the period of breastfeeding implies certain nutrition and a strict diet. So, most of the diet of a nursing mother is often … buckwheat and boiled meat. But is there really a need for such strict restrictions?

First of all, the baby himself can “tell” how to eat for a nursing mother. After all, nutrition during breastfeeding affects the composition and taste of milk. The behavior of the baby will always clearly demonstrate whether he likes the diet that his mother eats.

Nutrition while breastfeeding: prohibitions and restrictions

The question of how to feed a nursing mother has been under close scrutiny for a long time. Modern breastfeeding consultants are sure that there is no direct connection between the composition of milk and the nutrition of the mother, so all the recommendations on how to eat a nursing mother, what not to eat and what should be limited, in fact, is nothing more than a reassurance.

Of course, there is a basic recommendation for all occasions – nutrition during breastfeeding, like the diet of a pregnant woman, should be balanced and complete. But this should be the case for any person who cares about their health!

Studies have shown that it is not the foods that the mother eats that cause the reaction in the child, but the reactions of her own body. So, for example, certain foods can cause heartburn, flatulence in a woman, have a laxative effect, or, conversely, contribute to constipation. These reactions, in turn, lead to changes in the blood of the nursing mother, which is reflected in the composition of the milk. Therefore, all products should not be excluded from the diet – it is enough to trace which of them cause undesirable reactions, and which are completely safe for the health of the mother, and, consequently, the baby. Only on the basis of these conclusions can one understand how to feed a nursing mother in each individual case.

As for the general recommendations on how to eat for a nursing mother, they are as follows:

  • alcohol and smoking are prohibited;

  • it is recommended to reduce the amount of strong tea and coffee, as they have an exciting effect on the nervous system of the mother and baby;

  • reduce the use of legumes, grapes, fried, fatty and smoked foods.

Foods needed for a nursing mother’s diet:

  • dairy products (kefir, yoghurts without additives, cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9%, milk with a fat content of no more than 2,5% – no more than 200 ml per day as part of meals);

  • lean meats, poultry and fish;

  • fats (butter and vegetable oils);

  • bread products (with bran, wholemeal flour, whole grain flour);

  • confectionery (dry biscuits, crackers, marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow);

  • vegetables and fruits;

  • drinks: teas (green, herbal), compotes, fruit drinks, still mineral water – in the amount of 1,5-2 liters per day.

Allergic child – nutrition while breastfeeding

If neither the mother nor the child are allergic, then the nutrition during breastfeeding will differ little from the usual balanced diet of a woman (with the exception of its calorie content). But how should a nursing mother eat if she or her baby has allergic reactions to certain foods? Unfortunately, in this case, you cannot do without a special diet.

Allergies can be caused by the following foods:

  • exotic berries and fruits, especially citrus fruits – lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, as well as strawberries, raspberries and sea buckthorn;

  • foreign proteins found in beef, dairy products, fish, poultry, soybeans and legumes;

  • chocolate;

  • chemical additives, dyes and preservatives in prepared food.

If the baby or his mother is predisposed to allergies, then in the first days of feeding it is advisable to exclude the above products completely, and then introduce them gradually, one at a time, observing the child’s reaction. In case of an allergic reaction, which is considered to be reddening of the baby’s cheeks, dry skin on the knees or elbows, gas formation, the product should be excluded from the mother’s diet for a month, and then try to introduce it again. Some mums are wrong to completely eliminate food allergens from their diet – in fact, it is the introduction of them in small quantities through breast milk that can prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in the baby in the future.

How to feed a nursing mother – only she can decide for herself, based on her observations of the baby’s reaction and, if necessary, in consultation with her doctor or breastfeeding specialist.

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