How to eat breakfast properly: dietitian recommendations

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, here is useful information “How to have a good breakfast.” Read it, this is important!

Correct breakfast

Many of us start the morning with a hustle and bustle and do not eat breakfast at all! You can’t run to work or school in the morning without having breakfast. After all, it is from the food consumed for breakfast that the body takes all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Receives calories, on which it will work throughout the day.

And if you do not feed your body in the morning, then by noon your performance will drop. Your head may hurt. Pupils who did not have breakfast properly, already in the third lesson become inattentive, poorly perceive new information. And hungry drivers are more at risk of crashing.

In general, breakfast should be 25% of the total daily diet in terms of calorie content. In fact, it is the most important meal of the day, so children need to be taught to have a good breakfast from an early age. And those who refuse breakfast, hoping to lose weight, are very mistaken.

If you don’t eat well in the morning, the body’s survival instinct will kick in. And he will not use some part of the calories received during lunch and dinner at once, but will put it aside “just in case”.

And precisely in the form of those fat reserves with which you are so struggling. In addition, by not eating in the morning, you risk eating more for lunch and dinner and exceeding the calorie limit by snacking during the day.

After all, instead of porridge or yogurt, you will obviously have a snack with foods that are more nutritious and less healthy for the body: hot dogs or chocolates.

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast


Fruit Freshly squeezed juice and fruit (best taken one hour after breakfast). Fruits are famous for the vitamins the body needs, and fruits also contain fiber that improves bowel function.

Chicken eggs

Eggs contain protein with an optimal amino acid composition. By the way, and best of all, it is absorbed after heat treatment. However, do not get carried away with them, 3-4 pieces a week are enough, otherwise excess cholesterol will appear in the blood.

Porridge and bakery products

Porridge and bread (yeast-free) are high in calories, but at the same time provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. A small bowl of porridge or two sandwiches, even if smeared with honey, will not lead to obesity. Healthy rye bread or seeded bread – they are enriched with vitamins and also help to stimulate the digestive system.

How to eat breakfast properly: dietitian recommendations

Dairy produce

Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. They contain calcium necessary for bones, protein necessary for muscles, as well as vitamin A and other useful elements. But they will not bring benefits in the morning, but before going to bed they will come in handy.


Oatmeal or barley flakes with nuts and raisins contain a complex of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy for a long time. They also contain many beneficial minerals and dietary fiber to aid digestion. If you don’t like cereals and muesli, then eat a salad with corn – you will have the same result.

Tea and coffee

One cup of aromatic drink in the morning is a wonderful brain stimulant. If you have stomach problems, then it is better to drink tea with milk: it will soften the effect of the tannins contained in the tea, and the stomach will not hurt. Coffee is not allowed on an empty stomach, this is the way to gastritis.

Remember the wise phrase: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.”

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