How to eat and not get fat: tips

Nutritionists have answered the most popular question of mankind about how to eat absolutely everything you want and not gain a single gram. The answer will not disappoint you.

We all know that you need to eat right, balanced and 3 times a day, and between meals you can arrange snacks for yourself, which should be healthy. But to be honest, the percentage of people who live by these rules is very small. We have a maximum of two full meals and a lot of snacks that can hardly be called healthy: either a colleague will bring a pizza in honor of his birthday, or a girlfriend will treat him to muffins – how can you resist? And on weekends with friends or family, after a bike ride or a walk, everyone loves to enjoy a juicy burger. How in such an abundance of all unhelpful things can you stay in shape, be thin and fit? We decided to ask the nutritionists if it is possible to eat everything and not get fat.

Chief physician of the Austrian health center Verba Mayr.

– Fortunately, nature has endowed some people with an accelerated metabolism or they suffer from hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (which is a pathology, although the patient may not know about it). They are not afraid of being overweight, but this does not mean that a good metabolism will help avoid many of the problems that can arise from consuming unhealthy foods.

If you are not one of these people, then you are not so lucky and from too fatty food or from sweets you will gain extra pounds, and this is absolutely normal. There is absolutely everything and you can not get fat if you take into account your calorie content. Even a burger with fries can be eaten if it goes by in calories. The main question is whether it will be good for the body?

Oksana Vladimirova, a nutritionist at the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, adheres to the same opinion, and advises to spend more calories than you consume, regardless of what you ate. “Active sports will help you not to get better from what you have eaten, but the consumption of unhealthy food can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, skin and endocrine system,” comments Oksana Vladimirova.

Anna Ivashkevich advises to listen to your body so as not to clog it with unnecessary products: “The body itself tells you when and what it wants: if you want to eat meat, eat a piece of good meat with vegetable salad, if you want something sweet, you don’t need to eat a whole cake at once, either an apple or a small slice of dark chocolate will suffice. This is quite enough for your body. “

Whether there are all products, including fast food, or not is a private matter for each person. Of course, nutritionists and gastroenterologists insist on taking only healthy and low-fat foods. Then there will be no point in worrying about the figure either. “One hamburger a year will not be fatal to the body, but you cannot succumb to constant temptations,” advises Natalya Edel.

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