There is an opinion that writing any article with a volume of about one and a half sheets is quite easy and simple, and you can spend only fifteen minutes of your time on it.
Let’s argue.
Why does someone get it freely, but someone seems to speak perfectly and sensible thoughts, and an interesting topic was invented, but as soon as he sits down at a computer or a sheet of paper, all the words disappear somewhere and it is not clear how they are on this sheet expound. What’s the matter? Maybe the authors of the articles know some secrets? Or are they always waiting for the arrival of the desired Muse? But what if there is no mood, and the muse got lost somewhere, and you need to write an article at all costs?
It turns out that there are several ways to not depend on the Muse and your mood and write articles at any time. It is easy and simple to reveal the topic, consistently setting out arguments and drawing conclusions. And, it seems to me, this skill will be useful not only for article writers, but also for bloggers, and students, and schoolchildren — in general, for everyone who needs to express their thoughts in a text version.
Today I will share with you one «secret way». When I learned about him from my coach and mentor Vitaly Pichugin, I was simply surprised by his simplicity and popularity. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken, it was fame — and this method is known to literally everyone since school. So I will not open new worlds for you today, I will simply remind you of what you already knew once in your childhood. So the saying — «everything new is well forgotten old» — is very relevant here.
So, let’s begin.
- Decide on a topic. The topic of the article will not only be a red line throughout the entire article, but it can also be a good title for the article itself.
- The introductory part is the beginning of the article. Here we think about and describe why this topic arose, why it interested us, what questions we want to solve by discussing it. We ask questions to the reader. The volume is 3-5 phrases.
- The main part is a transcript or evidence on the main topic. Here we put forward 2-3, maximum 5 theses on the topic. We open them. Reasonably explaining why it is so, and not otherwise. In terms of volume, it will also take 3-5 phrases for each thesis.
- And, finally, conclusion, conclusions. We summarize what has been written — is it really what we stated at the beginning that we have proved in the process of reasoning.
Let’s summarize. In my short article, I raised the topic of how, using a certain structure for writing lyrics, do not depend on the capricious Muse. And, if you read the text again, you will see that this is not just a reasoning on an understood topic, but it is also an example. That everything is here, according to the stated points. The topic is in the title, introduction, main part with theses and evidence, and, of course, the conclusion. I spent 14 minutes writing it, and in terms of volume, it also corresponds to the originally stated topic. Therefore, I conclude that writing articles using this method is easy and simple in 15 minutes.
Good luck with your writing!