How to Easily Move or Copy a Sheet in Excel 2013

Sometimes it may be necessary to create a new Excel sheet based on an existing one. You can easily create a copy of a sheet in the same workbook or copy it to a new one. Team Move or Copy (Move or Copy) allows you to move and copy sheets with all data and formatting. Read this article until the end to find out how.

Select the sheet to be copied. Right-click on the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen. From the context menu, select Move or Copy (Move or copy).

In addition, you can also select a sheet from the drop-down menu of the command Size (Format) which is in the command group Cells. Cells. (cells) tab Home (Home), select item Move or Copy Sheet (Move or copy sheet).

A dialog box will open Move or Copy (Move or copy). Drop To book (to workbook) select the Excel file to which you want to copy the selected sheet. You can select the current book (default), any currently open book, or create a new one.

The list Before sheet (In front of sheet) select the sheet in front of which you want to place the copied or moved sheet. To place the sheet last in the workbook, select move to end (move to the end).

Select the checkbox Create a copy (Make a copy) if you want to copy the sheet and keep the original one. Click OK.

If you create a copy of a sheet in the current Excel workbook, a serial number is added to the name of the new sheet to distinguish it from the original.

To copy the selected sheet to a new Excel workbook, select new book (new book) from field dropdown list To book (To book) in the dialog box Move or Copy (Move or copy). If you want to copy the sheet rather than move it, select Create a copy (Make a copy). Click OK.

A new Excel workbook with the moved or copied sheet will be created.

In addition, you can copy a sheet manually by pressing and holding the Ctrl and dragging it to a new location. If you want to copy or move a sheet to a new Excel workbook this way, make sure you create it first.

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