How to dry your carpet quickly at home
A carpet flooded through the fault of neighbors is not a pleasant sight. There are also situations where you accidentally spill liquid on the product. In this regard, the question of how to dry the carpet at home becomes especially relevant. Do not panic and think about the consequences of what happened. Solve the problem immediately. You can do this yourself or use the services of dry cleaning, where everything will be done professionally.
How to dry a wet stained carpet?
Spilled water or tea from a mug will create a wet area on the carpet. If the stain is small, then you should not resort to the services of specialists. One of the following tips will help you cope with such a situation:
- After getting on the carpet, the liquid will remain on its surface for some time, and then it will begin to be absorbed. Blot the area with a paper towel, old sheet, or other dry cloth.
- Some housewives have a wet vacuum cleaner. Use it to scoop up the water from the carpet by cleaning the wet spot. Remember: it is not recommended to use a conventional vacuum cleaner to remove dirt here.
- Lift the product if water gets on its side, and place a dry cloth there to avoid deforming the floor in the future. Turn on your hair dryer and blow warm air onto the carpet.
How to dry your carpet at home: recommendations
Natural products made of fur, wool, cotton and other materials are most afraid of water. They should be dried thoroughly and carefully so as not to spoil.
How to quickly dry a carpet completely?
If the product has a long pile or is difficult to dry due to its large size, do not worry. Contact a dry cleaner immediately. This is especially true for the cold season. In the summer, try drying your carpet like this:
- Take a rag and collect water around the perimeter of the carpet. Then, run a dry cloth over the product until no more liquid comes out.
- Free it from all heavy objects and furniture so that the carpet retains its original shape. Do not go there, otherwise the lint will catch.
- Roll the product into a roll and take it outside. Spread a dry sheet on the grass and a rug on top. Dry in the shade.
- While the product dries, turn it over 2-3 times down with a pile and back. This is done so that everything dries evenly.
Following these tips, you will return the carpet to its previous appearance. Remember that carelessness or just one mistake during drying can ruin the product. Then all that remains is to throw it away.