How to dry hawthorn at home: in the oven, electric dryer
How can you save vitamins of the healing berry – hawthorn? There are several ways how to dry hawthorn, they will help preserve the beneficial properties of this wonderful berry for the whole winter. They are then added to tea, compote is brewed, insisted, berry decoctions are prepared and even coffee is brewed. At the same time, it is important to know how to dry hawthorn at home correctly.
How to dry hawthorn in the oven?
It must be remembered that washing the fruit before drying is not worth it. Before drying the fruits in this way, you must first carefully distribute them on a baking sheet in one layer. Then the baking sheet is placed on the middle level of the oven. During the entire drying period, the door must be kept slightly open, then the moisture that has accumulated in the fruits will come out.
It’s simple: how to dry hawthorn
There is no specific time for drying in the oven. Usually, readiness is checked as follows:
- When the fruits change slightly in shape and shade, you should take the berry and squeeze it tightly in your hand. It doesn’t have to be soft. If the berry has hardened, then you can finish drying, if not, continue.
- You can take several berries at once and squeeze in your hand. Ready-made fruits will not exude juice and will not stick together. If gluing has occurred, it is worth continuing drying.
The checks are simple, only hands are needed.
How to dry hawthorn in an electric dryer?
Drying hawthorn in this way takes a long time. But here you can observe the whole process and regulate the heat supply. First, you need to put the berries on a tray and place it right in the center so that the heat is evenly distributed. It is better to put the tray on the middle level so as not to dry out the fruits. On the upper level, you can, on the contrary, not dry out.
Drying of hawthorn fruits in an electric dryer can take more than five hours, but not more than eight. There are no modes in this device, so you just need to set the temperature correctly.
At what temperature to dry hawthorn?
The temperature at which the fruits of this medicinal plant are dried depends on how and with what technique this procedure is performed:
- When drying fruits in the oven, the temperature should be 60 degrees. Before placing the baking sheet in the oven, it must already be preheated to this temperature. The temperature regime is maintained throughout the entire drying period.
- In an electric dryer, the temperature must be set immediately after the tray with fruits has been placed in it, it should be 60 degrees. After a couple of hours, the temperature is reduced to 40-50 degrees, and two hours before the expected readiness, it is again returned to the level of 60 degrees.
Hawthorn is very useful, so it is worth spending a little time and preparing the fruits for the long winter.