How to dry butter at home in the oven

In general, any thermal treatment of mushrooms has a rule: avoid extremely high temperatures! This will kill all the beneficial properties and adversely affect the taste of the product. Therefore, having conceived to dry these forest gifts in the oven, observe the following rules:

• the temperature at different stages of the process should fluctuate within 45−70 ° С, not higher;

• boletus, covered with paper folded in 2 layers, are laid out on a baking sheet, otherwise they will simply burn;

• try to keep the distance between the cut pieces;

• at the first stage, drying is carried out at the highest level at a temperature of 45-50 ° С for about 4 hours.

• after the butter is dry, lower the tray below and set the mode to 70 ° C. We carefully observe the process, without leaving the boletus unattended;

• the final stage requires a temperature of 50 ° C. Drying is considered complete when the boletus acquires a characteristic wrinkled appearance, becomes elastic. Do not allow the product to turn black: this means that it is overdried, which means it is spoiled;

• it is necessary to ensure the outflow of humid air from the oven. To do this, leave the chamber door ajar. This rule does not apply to convection ovens that have an automatic ventilation function.

Between the stages of drying, the mushrooms need to be periodically cooled, and the process can be delayed for a couple of days. This is especially true for those who are especially picky about the appearance of the dried product.

Having gathered useful information on how to dry butter, feel free to start harvesting them. Observing the elementary rules that we described in the article, you can enjoy the wonderful mushroom taste and aroma all year round!

Also interesting to read: how to dry marshmallow

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