How to dry burdock root at home

How to dry burdock root at home

Burdock is considered by many to be an ordinary weed; they pull it out mercilessly. But all parts of this plant contain a large amount of useful trace elements and vitamins, help to get rid of serious diseases. How to dry burdock root at home? What diseases does it help against?

How to dry burdock root properly

For harvesting, it is better to use the large roots of an annual burdock – they are juicy and fleshy. It is necessary to collect raw materials in the fall after the first frost, when the leaves begin to wither.

In the second year, the roots of the burdock become coarse, practically have no healing power.

You can distinguish a young burdock from an old one by the thorns – burdocks appear in the second year of the plant’s life

It is necessary to remove the fleshy part of the root, remove the aerial part, clean it well from the soil residues with a stiff brush, wash, dry a little.

Remove rotten roots, cut them into small pieces. It is better to dry the roots outdoors – spread the raw materials on a natural fabric or hang them on a rope. You can dry the burdock in the attic, near a radiator or stove. Another way is to dry the roots in an oven or oven at a temperature of no more than 45 degrees.

Properly dried roots break well, have a delicate aroma and sweetish taste. They can be stored for 24–36 months in glass containers with lids.

How to use dried burdock root

Burdock root is used in folk medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. To maximize the beneficial properties of burdock, you need not only to know how to dry burdock root, but also how to use it.

Burdock oil is an effective remedy against hair loss and dandruff. It is necessary to chop or grate 200 g of dried burdock root, pour 200 ml of olive oil. Simmer the mixture in a water bath for 50 minutes, remove to a dark place for 8 days, squeeze thoroughly. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of clove or bergamot essential oil.

Burdock root is successfully used as a prophylactic agent against cancer. Grind 10 g of dried burdock root, add 5 ml of honey, pour 200 ml of vodka. After 10 days, the tincture can be used – dilute 15 ml of the medicine in 120 ml of water, drink it every day.

Infusion from the roots helps with joint diseases, stones in the gallbladder, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, rickets. Pour 500 ml of boiling water with 25 g of chopped roots, leave for 1 hour in a closed container. Take 150 ml warm after each meal.

A decoction of burdock roots helps to get rid of colds, osteochondrosis, inflammatory processes in the urogenital organs. Pour 200 ml of water with 20 g of crushed raw materials, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After half an hour, strain the drink, drink 3 ml 15 times a day.

Burdock root helps to heal many serious diseases, strengthen and accelerate hair growth. By adding roots to various dishes, you can diversify your diet, get rid of extra pounds.

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