How to dry a rose at home

How to dry a rose at home

Roses can make any home cozier and more beautiful. But fresh flowers fade quickly, leaving only pleasant memories of themselves. But you can save the bouquet for a long time by drying it in whole or each flower separately. Therefore, the actual question is: how to dry a rose at home?

How to dry roses in a bouquet?

A dried rose will look beautiful and natural only if you follow some recommendations:

· Wanting to dry roses from your garden, you need to collect them only in warm weather. Before that, you need to make sure that there are no drops from rain or dew on the flowers;

· The bouquet should not be placed next to heating devices or on the southern window with the scorching sun. This will lead to a rapid wilting of roses, so they will become unsuitable for herbarium;

· Roses should not be cut for a long time. You cannot dry a bouquet that has been in the water for several days, as it will begin to fade very soon. If you want to dry flowers from the store, you need to do this immediately after buying them;

Large roses with dense petals lend themselves well to drying;

It is better to dry dark colored plants, as white roses can turn yellow.

Not knowing how to dry roses correctly, it is better to do the first experiment outdoors. This is the easiest and most effective way. The lower leaves are cut from the stem, after which the roses are attached to the clothesline with clothespins.

The drying room must be dry and free from bright sunlight. The roses should be about 5 cm apart, without touching. The room should be ventilated twice a day so that fresh air can enter it. The drying process can take up to two weeks.

Often women are interested in how to dry roses beautifully. A method using river sand is ideal for this. To do this, take a large box. River sand is sifted and then warmed up on a fire. A layer of sand equal to 8 cm is poured into the box, after which roses are placed here.

From above they are also covered with hot sand. You need to be careful, otherwise you can damage the petals. The box must then be placed in a dry place for three weeks. It is important that moisture does not get into it, as the plants will rot. After two to three weeks, the roses can be taken out and used for their intended purpose.

Dried roses look no less beautiful than living roses. But they last much longer. With their help, you can arrange bouquets, herbariums and decorate the house.

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