How to dry a bouquet of flowers quickly, beautifully

How to dry a bouquet of flowers quickly, beautifully

How to dry flowers quickly?

How beautiful to dry flowers

Delicate flowers such as lilies or peonies cannot be hung like roses or left in a vase like a hydrangea. These plants retain only inflorescences and a very small section of the stem. In such cases, the sand method is ideal. It is as follows:

• fill the bottom of the tin box with hot sand;

• arrange flowers on it. Depending on their shape, they can be stacked up or down in buds;

• pour hot sand on top through a sieve, which will absorb the moisture of the petals.

Instead of sand, it is even better to use silica gel – a modern moisture-absorbing powder. Its application allows you to dry flowers in one container in 2 layers. They are checked every day until the petals look like paper.

Another method is glycerin, suitable for twigs and flowers with luxurious leaves. Its principle of action lies in the ability of glycerin to displace moisture from the plant, giving its parts gloss and flexibility.

How to dry flowers using glycerin? The tip of the stem cut off at an angle is softened and immersed 5 cm in a container with pharmacy glycerin and hot water in a 1: 2 ratio. A glycerin mixture is added to a plant standing in a dark, cool place as needed.

There are a lot of methods on how to dry a flower, the only difference is in time, tools and skills. Experts say that it is possible to learn this if desired.

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