How to drip boric alcohol into the ear with otitis media correctly

Inflammation of the hearing organs in children and adults is caused by pathogenic microorganisms – hemophilic sticks, streptococci, staphylococci. If it is not possible to visit a doctor immediately, they are fought with the help of boric alcohol. We find out if boric alcohol can be dripped into the ear and how to do it correctly.

The pharmaceutical industry offers many treatments for otitis media. But a three percent alcoholic solution of boric acid is still in demand due to its low cost and efficiency. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Boric alcohol has practically no contraindications

It is not recommended to use it for pregnant and lactating women, babies under three years old and those who suffer from serious kidney and liver diseases. Before using this drug, you should consult your doctor in order to exclude individual intolerance.

How to properly drip boric alcohol into your ears:

  • We heat the drug to body temperature, holding the bottle in our hands
  • We put the patient on his side and instill three drops in the ear. Cover the organ of hearing with cotton wool
  • We do the same with the other ear, even if it doesn’t hurt. The infection can develop there, but at a slower rate.
  • After instillation, the patient needs to lie down for a quarter of an hour.

This procedure is repeated two to three times a day. The course of treatment is no more than ten days. In case of purulent discharge, it is necessary to stop using the drug and visit a doctor.

Gauze bands soaked in boric alcohol will help to destroy the infection and completely relieve inflammation. They can be made from bandage or cotton pads. Small tourniquets should absorb the preparation well, after which they are inserted into the ear. This should be done before bedtime, you can keep it all night, if there is no burning sensation. In case of painful sensations, you should remove the tourniquets and gently wipe the auricle with a cotton swab.

Treatment of otitis media with flagella is considered safer. It can be combined with burial.

The effectiveness of therapy will increase if the hearing organs are pretreated from sulfur with hydrogen peroxide.

It is necessary to drip 3-5 drops of the product into each ear, and then thoroughly clean it with a cotton swab.

If the ears remain blocked for more than four days, the pain does not stop, purulent discharge appears, you should consult an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe stronger drugs to stop the inflammation and avoid complications.

Otorhinolaryngologist, maxillofacial surgeon Frau Klinik

– Salt compress or dry heat can only be used with a clarified diagnosis. With purulent otitis media, with hyperthermia (high temperature), damage to the skin of the ear, this is categorically contraindicated.

Boric alcohol can only be used if the patient knows that the integrity of the eardrum is intact.

To summarize: in the case of self-medication, there are more contraindications than possible positive effects. But if you find yourself in the forest with a sore ear, a frying pan and salt filled with boric alcohol, then there is no other choice but to make an experiment.

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