How to drink vodka correctly – secrets, recommendations, wishes

Vodka is not only a tradition. This is both a ritual, and a special, incomparable effect, and a whole host of classic snacks, many of which would never occur to anyone to eat “dry”. As my colleague said: “I love vodka more than sex. Sex – what? A few minutes of pleasure. And you can drink vodka all day!”

The theme, it would seem, is nowhere simpler – pour and drink. For some time, I was firmly convinced that absolutely any person “born in the USSR” can taste vodka. But, from year to year, looking closely at my drinking companions, I made a disappointing conclusion – only a few people really know how to use this noble drink, all the rest choke on it in the absence of an alternative or, at best, choose vodka because of its neutral taste, combined with almost any food.

Vodka is not only a tradition. This is both a ritual, and a special, incomparable effect, and a whole host of classic snacks, many of which would never occur to anyone to eat “dry”. As my colleague said:I love vodka more than sex. Sex – what? A few minutes of pleasure. And you can drink vodka all day! “

And in order to understand the secrets and principles of tasting this drink, let’s figure out what vodka is in general, how to choose it correctly, how to prepare for a feast, and also how and with what it is better to drink vodka.

And Columbus is not to blame for anything!

“Drugs, no! What are drugs? Is it pleasure? Chaos is one. And who invented them? Hippies are uncivilized. What about vodka? Mendeleev himself!

“Down House”

No matter what anyone says, vodka is a relatively modern drink. The traditions of its use have a maximum of 150-200 years – before, distilleries simply could not produce first-class food alcohol in industrial quantities.

At the word “vodka” two professors come to mind – Mendeleev and Preobrazhensky. Let’s say right away that the second has a much closer relationship to an alcoholic drink. Mendeleev, although he may have been drinking, nevertheless defended his dissertation on a different topic – “mixing ethyl alcohol with water”, this work is more on metrology than on physiology. But Preobrazhensky, the famous hero of Bulgakov, spoke a lot about vodka, confidently and to the point.

And vodka should be at 40 degrees, not 30, this is, firstly, – and secondly, God knows what they splashed there. Can you tell what comes to mind?

“Dog’s heart”

Where did these notorious 40 degrees come from? Everything is very simple – even in the “finishing” times, when there were no alcohol meters, the strength of moonshine was measured using the “half-gar” method. Alcohol was set on fire for testing – if exactly half burned, it means that there were 38.3% in the original potion. Later, for the convenience of calculations, the number “40 °” appeared in the standards.

Vinokur checks the strength of the expelled pervak ​​using the “polugar” method 😉

The modern understanding of the drink took shape only in the 1920s, after the repeal of Prohibition. Then “table wine” was finally renamed vodka, which meant pure mixtures of water and edible alcohol. In the 50s, the word “vodka” entered the world stage, becoming one of the symbols of Russia and an invariable component of many cocktails.

What is vodka?

It would seem that the question is rhetorical – this is alcohol with water. But everything is not so simple. Try mixing even good 96% alcohol with normal H2O – what do you get? Cloudy, sweetish, scalding solution, which, moreover, will heat up when mixed if you pour water into alcohol, and not vice versa (see the corresponding article). The place of this substance is in the chemist’s retort, and not in the gourmet’s misted gourmet glass!

Real vodka is not drunkenness, but the key to your conscience! This is where true wisdom begins.

“Down House”

Good vodka is, if you like, a symphony of taste! I tried it myself and I know that making it at home is problematic – this requires experience, a full hand and a lot of patience. Roughly, this drink can be called an alcohol tincture of glucose and citric acid, diluted with special corrected water. Achieving a characteristic “neutral” taste is not easy: a little too much glucose – and the drink will turn out sweet, acid generally needs a drop, its excess will hopelessly ruin the product. The liquid is filtered three or even four times – mechanically and with the help of coal after mixing and settling water with alcohol, and again – after adding the rest of the ingredients and 1-2 days of rest.

Does vodka have a taste? Of course have! It is not as bright as that of distilled drinks (brandy, whiskey, tequila), but it is in this unobtrusiveness that all the charm lies. Some people love vodka solely for its “neutrality” – they say, you can mix with anything. Some are disgusted by its taste, and, grimacing and grimacing, they bulge stopar after stopar “for effect”, trying to quickly have a bite or drink. I am guided by a somewhat paraphrased saying: “either drink what you like or love what you drink!and sincerely enjoy the taste of every glass I drink.

How to choose vodka?

Living in Ukraine, I practically do not encounter such a problem. All vodka, which is sold in our markets, has the most worthy quality, I haven’t seen a frank “stick” for more than 10 years. In terms of taste nuances, I am more impressed by Pervak, Medoff, Nemiroff, Khlebny Dar, Khortytsya. Of the Russians, I probably tried only the Green Mark and Russian Standard – also completely and completely. Hang in there, I can’t figure out why “Absolut” or “Finlandia” are so strikingly different from our counterparts.

When choosing a domestic drink, you can use a proven formula – the newer the brand, the higher the quality. The calculation is simple – a new product, just launched on the market, is made first-class, then gradually its quality is reduced to the average market level.

How to drink vodka correctly?

Everything here must be done “according to science.” Firstly, you need to prepare both vodka and yourself. Personally, for dear, but unexpected guests, I keep several stacks in the freezer – so that after the arrival of visitors, I can immediately knock over “50 each”. You do not need to supercool the bottle, 10-12 degrees will be enough. One of my comrades once in a fierce winter put the “half” to cool in a snowdrift and forgot about it for a while. After tasting with friends, instead of the long-awaited mild “arrival”, the whole company got a serious sore throat.

But the method of “launching the liver” or “vaccination” – taking 1-2 shots 2-3 hours before a libation – I personally do not approve. After all, the most delicious is exactly that, the first glass, chilled, with a dripping “tear” of perspiration. How can this pleasure be transferred to the plane of practicality or even, so to speak, medicine? But this is purely an amateur.

The ideal dose is also different for everyone. I prefer to knock over 2-3 full 50-gram shots at the beginning of the feast, with a break of 2-3 minutes, and then reduce the single dose to 20-30 milliliters. There is one rule of good taste for the pourer – do not fill everyone “under the ruler”, let the person himself say how much he wants to drink. Some people are embarrassed not to finish their shot, which is why they take more alcohol than they want, and some (I know at least 2 such people) simply physically cannot help emptying the container clean.

“- How cleverly you overturn it, Viktor Viktorovich.

“Achieved by exercise!”

“White Guard”

  1. Alcohol is poured immediately before the toast and drunk immediately, without heating or sniffing.
  2. Vodka is a noble, difficult to prepare, though not aged drink. Therefore, before tasting, it does not hurt to at least enjoy the view of a misted stack.
  3. Before a sip, a spectacular exhalation is made to the side, during a slow breath through the mouth.
  4. Do not try to feverishly swallow the liquid immediately after entering the oral cavity. Vodka is slowly passed through the tongue, from the tip to the roots, from sweet taste to bitter.
  5. After a sip, you should feel how a pleasant chill rolls down the esophagus, and only after that – exhale.
  6. The next breath is sniffing a piece of rye bread. I vouch, its aroma is never so fragrant as after the overturned first glass!
  7. And only after that you can finally have a bite!

Snacks: the final chord in the vodka symphony!

«Cold appetizers and soup are eaten only by the landowners who were not cut to pieces by the Bolsheviks. A slightly self-respecting person operates with hot appetizers»

 “Dog’s heart”

The list of traditional vodka snacks is as famous as it is perfect. Salted, pickled, lightly salted cucumbers, sauerkraut, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C, salted or smoked lard, cut into thin “skibochki”, Borodino bread – what can be added here?

Read the materiel for alcoholic snacks in this article (an article about the right snack, ed.).

Personally, like many others, I am a big fan of herring. Only I ask you – do not take preserves, unless you drink in nature! If it is possible to clean the fish, buy a whole, fat, oozing juice, straight from the brine. This video details a great way how to clean a pitted herring in one motion – it won’t take long

In gratitude for your efforts, you may receive a bonus – herring caviar, which can be eaten no worse than red caviar. Don’t know how to determine that there is caviar in a herring? Just bend the fish – the “caviar” individual is tight, it will immediately straighten up, and the “milk” one is softer, it will straighten up gradually.

“Excuse me, I don’t drink either. But one drink. How will you eat herring without vodka? I don’t understand at all”

Again, Mikhail Afanasich

By the way, in between “approaches” you should definitely drink soft drinks. Best of all – natural tonics, like Schweppes. They contain quinine, a substance that stimulates the liver. Green and black tea, mate, apple, grape and other juices, plain mineral water will also help to assimilate vodka. For obvious reasons, drinks “with bulbs” should be abandoned.

And finally – a small list of unusual, but very successful snacks!

  • Cottage cheese.

Not in its pure form, of course, but in the form of a spread on bread – it’s cheap, tasty, fast and healthy! To prepare, throw any greens into the blender (the more – the better!), A couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt and grind the whole thing with fresh curd. If the cottage cheese is too dry, add a little mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Cottage cheese in combination with herbs removes toxins from the body, has a diuretic effect and helps to restore many vitamins. You won’t believe how delicious it is until you try it! A detailed recipe for cottage cheese and garlic snacks is described in this article.

  • Watermelon.

Crimean classics – vodka from plastic cups and two halves of watermelon, devastated from the juicy pulp with large aluminum spoons. Surprisingly harmonious combination! Watermelon, due to its diuretic effect, helps to quickly remove harmful substances, and thanks to its bright taste, it effectively interrupts the taste of warm Crimean vodka!

  • Tangerines.

New Year’s option, when, apart from vodka and tangerines, nothing simply climbs. Citrus fruits contain special acids of the Krebs cycle, which speed up metabolism – your body will break down alcohol faster. It is even better to choose grapefruit – it is a metabolic booster in itself, and thanks to its bitterness, it goes well with vodka.

  • Ice cream!

What can I say? Suum cuique – to each his own. If you find yourself in a situation where you need a drink, but there is nothing to eat – just know that you can use the “food of the gods.” Believe me – the effect is very interesting!

In general, remember – properly drunk, properly eaten “on the hunt” and in good company, vodka sometimes “delivers” no less than foreign elite swill!

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