It is difficult to imagine a primordially Russian feast without vodka. It is customary to celebrate any significant event in life. But in order for the celebration to pass without excesses and leave pleasant memories in my memory, I advise you to read about how to drink vodka correctly. Knowing a few nuances, you will be an adequate cheerful person all evening, and in the morning you will wake up without headaches.
1. Preparation
The use of vodka should begin with preparing the body for large doses of alcohol. A few hours before the feast, you can drink 50 ml of vodka so that the body begins to produce substances in advance that block the effects of alcohol. In the people, this method is called “start the liver” or “grafting.”
An hour before the feast, it is better to eat something fatty, for example, a sandwich with butter or a piece of lard. True, fatty foods do not absorb alcohol, they only delay the onset of its effects, after a while you will still get drunk. Activated charcoal, sold in pharmacies, is ideal for absorbing alcohol. It is enough to drink 20-30 tablets 6-8 minutes before the holiday, and you are almost guaranteed not to “pass out” at the table.
2. Drinking
Only slightly sweaty vodka brings pleasure. In no case should it be warm. The bottle is pre-cooled for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. “Frozen” vodka with pieces of ice instantly intoxicates, as frozen water crystallizes on the walls or bottom of the bottle in the form of ice, and almost pure alcohol is poured into the glass, which freezes at a lower temperature.

It is better to drink vodka from 50 gram glasses in one gulp. First you need to exhale deeply, then take a sip on the next breath. After that, exhale deeply again, getting rid of alcohol vapors, and bring a piece of fragrant bread to your nose to “sniff” the drink.
Next, vodka is eaten, starting with hot hearty dishes and gradually moving to cold ones. It is not recommended to drink vodka or, in extreme cases, take drinks that do not contain carbon dioxide, which irritates the walls of the stomach, leading to rapid intoxication. In this regard, juices, fruit drinks and compotes are safe. Connoisseurs recommend taking a three-minute break between the first and second glasses. After the third glass, if possible, leave the table for 15-20 minutes and take a walk.
The norm of drunk vodka is an individual concept, each has its own. It’s time to stop drinking when it becomes difficult to take a sip and the vodka just “doesn’t fit”. This is the surest signal, when it appears, it is better not to overpower yourself, even if the company requires it.
Do not mix vodka and other alcohol. Although there is no scientific evidence, many people know from experience that when drinking alcohol, the degree can only be increased. Will you drink something stronger than vodka? I do not think. When the temperature drops, get ready for a hard morning …

In winter, after a large dose of drunk vodka, you should not go outside to freshen up. You will most likely get even more drunk. Dancing or other moderate physical activity will help sober up a little.
3. Next day
The next morning after a stormy celebration, you can’t improve your health with alcohol, including beer. Drinking alcohol to relieve a hangover is a sure way to alcoholism and a binge for several days.
To improve well-being will help: brine, mineral water, broths, a warm shower and a walk in the fresh air. It is better not to drink coffee, even one cup can raise the already high pressure, increasing the load on the heart.