How to drink Mojito

Now Mojito is considered one of the most popular alcoholic cocktails in the world. But in Russia, this is still a new drink and few people know about the nuances of the culture of its use. I will tell you how to drink Mojito during parties or other holidays.

The classic Mojito is made with rum, mint, lime, sugar and soda. This combination of ingredients levels the strength of the rum, and the cocktail itself becomes refreshing and pleasant to the taste. There is also a non-alcoholic recipe (without rum), but we are of little interest in it.

Mojito – alcoholic cocktail recipe from Vasily Zakharov

Mojito has no special drinking etiquette. Usually this well-chilled Cuban cocktail is served with a straw, so it is drunk in small sips, trying to capture the notes of taste and quench your thirst. In most cases, the snack will be superfluous, so the question of what to drink Mojito with is not even raised. The fact is that it is difficult to find a suitable dish for a light refreshing cocktail, where it is better to enjoy it in its pure form.

There is an alternative opinion that along with Mojito you can serve snacks of local (Cuban) cuisine – beans, meat or fish. For me personally, this option is absolutely unacceptable, but if you want, you can try.

When drinking Mojito, the main thing is a good atmosphere and the high quality of the drink itself (its components). All other moments fade into the background. Smoking people can still recommend a cigar, although not everyone welcomes this combination.

If you are going to treat your guests with several spirits during the holiday, I advise you to serve the last Mojito for dessert, when your guests have already eaten and they just want to chat. This cocktail is just perfect for creating the right atmosphere.

How to drink Mojito
The taste of the cocktail depends on the quality of the rum.

Bacardi Mojito cocktail

In 2010, the well-known brand Bacardi expanded its product range with a new name – “Bacardi Mojito”. This is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 14,9 degrees, which can be drunk neat or used to make a cocktail of the same name. It is enough to place a few slices of a ripe lime (lemon) in a tall glass, add four mint leaves there, fill the glass with ice cubes and pour the remaining space of Bacardi Mojito. A cocktail with a balanced taste is ready to drink.

How to drink Mojito
Bacardi Mojito

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