How to drink mineral water to strengthen the immune system

How to drink mineral water to strengthen the immune system

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It’s time for seasonal colds. It’s time to strengthen your immunity with natural remedies.

The summer is over, and the off-season is preparing for us a decrease in immunity. The fall outbreak of colds this year will coincide with the threat of coronavirus infection. In such a situation, prevention will play a major role. 

Since ancient times, people knew about the benefits medicinal mineral watersborn in the bowels of the earth, and knew how to use this gift of nature. They were treated with waters during the Neolithic period, raised to a cult in the ancient era, during the USSR period they actively used balneotherapy as part of sanatorium-resort treatment. Today, hydrotherapy has become available to everyone – it is enough to find a competent doctor for consultation, get acquainted with the information about mineral springs yourself and start a course drinking.

Apart from availability, the main advantage of mineral waters is the absence of contraindications. They are suitable for everyone: healthy and young, elderly people with chronic diseases, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Trace elements dissolved in waters in combination with natural gases are in an active, well-assimilated form. Getting into the oral cavity, stomach, and then into the intestines, the native components of medicinal waters contribute to the regulation of the main body systems, the production of enzymes, the production of hormones, the regeneration of mucous membranes and the growth of beneficial microflora.

With a course intake of mineral waters, a persistent increase in the immune response to harmful external influences, pathogenic bacteria and viruses is found. In a sense, nature will do everything for us: give us something to drink, help prevent ailments and cure a disease that has already appeared.

The range of application of natural waters is very wide and depends on their mineral composition. Therefore, once a year, every healthy person, and especially those who regularly suffer from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is advisable to undergo a general examination and donate blood to identify their deficiency of trace elements. Only knowing your weak points, you can select mineral water individually (for example, with a high content of magnesium, iron, silicon, lithium, etc.) – strictly for your needs.

Everyone knows that we live in an iodine-deficient region, so it is useful to drink for preventive purposes “Vincent” – ancient sea water containing natural iodine. This trace mineral is absorbed by the thyroid gland, which is involved in the production of many hormones that promote production, including immunoglobulins. These complex biochemical processes lead to a better assimilation of vitamins from food, as well as an increase in their own nonspecific immunity.

Vincentka protects our nasopharynx from germs. Remember how our mother treated us in childhood: she gave us hot milk at night and put it under the covers so that we sweat and wake up healthy.

But if you add Vincentka to milk in a 1: 1 ratio, it will help to cope with colds even faster: the natural antiseptic iodine moisturizes and sanitizes the nasopharyngeal mucosa, increasing its protective properties.

Tatyana Vasilievna Belova, pediatrician

“A person is 90% water, and we believe that sufficient fluid intake, namely high-quality water, contributes to the health of the whole organism,” says Tatyana Vasilievna Belova, a pediatrician with 20 years of experience. – Alkaline waters help to strengthen the immune system in both children and adults. They are indicated for both regular prophylactic and therapeutic consumption. As a rule, in children, the stomach is alkaline, while in adults it is acidic. Because of these features, children absorb water mainly in the duodenum and saturate tissues with iodine, and in adults, the consumption of Vincentka helps to reduce excess acidity, improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic gastritis and duodenitis, which also helps to increase immunity. “

Pregnancy immunity: why it falls and what to do

Unfortunately, the prevention and treatment of seasonal ARVI are becoming traditional for all pregnant women. Due to the side effects of medications, it is the therapy with medicinal waters that is desirable and safe for mom and baby.  

Mikhail Nikolaevich Ulyanets, gynecologist, doctor of the highest category

“The immunity of pregnant women is special, since the mother’s body perceives the child as a half-alien object,” says the gynecologist, doctor of the highest category Mikhail Nikolaevich Ulyanets. – Due to hormonal changes, including an increase in progesterone levels, general nonspecific immunity is suppressed. This is necessary to maintain pregnancy, but it is the decrease in immunity that increases the risk of contracting viral infections of the woman herself. This is especially pronounced in the first trimester, when the body of the pregnant woman has not yet adapted to the changes taking place. In addition, during this period, chronic diseases may worsen: tonsillitis, pyelonephritis and others.

To strengthen the immune system, we attach an important role to a balanced diet and adequate water intake. In the diet of a pregnant woman, iron must be present – the main participant in the synthesis of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, zinc, selenium and iodine. I recommend to expectant mothers a course reception, for example, “Vincentki”, which is rich in these microelements. ” 

Types of mineral waters and methods of intake

  • Table water can be drunk in any quantity.

  • Medical-table and medical – the intake of these waters should be discussed with the attending physician.

  • Mineral waters can be used for various needs:

    – externally in the form of irrigation and lotions (for dermatitis, skin inflammation, vaginosis, etc.);

    – in the form of inhalation (“Vincentka” for nebulizer therapy for bronchitis, tracheitis and allergic processes);

    – gargling for sore throat and rinsing the nasopharynx (“Vincentka” using a watering can or spray).

    – for internal use, as an aid in replenishing micronutrient deficiencies, treating constipation and seizures, preventing anemia, edema and increased uterine tone, protecting against colds, relieving heartburn, etc.

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