How to drink grappa – tips from Italians

For several centuries, this alcohol from a cheap, non-prestigious drink of the lower strata of society has become a national treasure and pride of Italy. Next, I will tell you how to drink grappa in order to feel its unique character. You will learn a few simple rules to follow.

Граппа (grappa) – This is an Italian alcoholic drink with a strength of 40-55 degrees, obtained by distilling the remains of grapes (pits, pulp, stems, peel) remaining after the production of wine. Simply put, grappa is called a strong moonshine made from grape pomace.

Types of grappa:

  • bianca, giovane (“bianca”, “giovane”) – young without endurance;
  • affinata in legno (“affinata in legno”) – aged in wooden barrels for 6 months, has a softer and more balanced taste;
  • invecchiata (“invecchiata”) – an exposure of at least 12 months;
  • rizerva, stravecchia (“stravecchia”, “ridzerva”) – aged in barrels for at least 18 months.
  • aromatica (“aromatic”) – made from muscat grapes, give a strong aroma;
  • aromatizzata (“aromatizata”) – grappa infused with berries, fruits, herbs (cinnamon, almonds, black currants, strawberries, etc.).

How to drink grappa – tips from Italians

Historical information

Grappa first appeared in Italy in the 1451th century. It was made in the city of Bassano del Grappa, hence the name. The first written mention of Italian grape moonshine dates back to XNUMX. In the document, a notary from Piedmont bequeathed to his family a distillation plant and a certain amount of the finished drink.

In Medieval Europe, grappa was drunk only by commoners who were unable to buy wine. They made mash from grape pomace, and then distilled (distilled) it. Due to imperfect stills, the quality of the drink left much to be desired, but the poor peasants could not afford anything else. Only centuries later, when grappa production technology was perfected, did it appear on the tables of respectable gentlemen and began to be considered the best digestif.

In 1997, the Italian government issued a decree according to which only distillate produced in the country from local raw materials can be called grappa. From this point on, grappa is a drink whose name is controlled by origin. She became on a par with cognac, champagne, Calvados and other regional drinks.

The culture of eating grappa

1. Supply temperature. Grappa aged 1-2 years before serving, it is customary to cool to a temperature of 5-10 ° C. An older drink is drunk at room temperature so that it fully reveals its aromatic bouquet.

2. Glasses. It is preferable to use special tulip-shaped glasses (pictured), called grappaglas. But their absence is not a problem. You can also drink grappa from ordinary cognac glasses, there is no significant difference.

How to drink grappa – tips from Italians
Proper glasses

3. Proper drinking. The glass is filled three-quarters. The tasting begins with an assessment of the transparency of the grappa, it must be absolutely clean and without sediment. Next, you need to take a small sip, holding the grappa in your mouth for a few seconds. A few seconds after a sip, notes of vanilla, pepper, almonds, hazelnuts and peach are felt.

During the feast, grappa is drunk in its pure form in small small portions. It is not customary to dilute it with other drinks (only in cocktails).

4. Appetizer for grappa. As in the case of vodka, grappa can be eaten with any hearty dishes. For those wishing to organize a table in the Italian style, I advise you to serve grappa with coffee, dark chocolate, fruits (oranges or lemons are especially good), ice cream and other desserts.

How to drink grappa – tips from Italians
Suitable for any Italian cuisine

5. Grappa brands. The most prestigious brands are: “Alexander” (Alexander), “Bric de Gaian”, “Ventani”, “Tre Soli Tre” and “Grappa Fassati Vino Nobile di Montepulciano”, it is their purchase that should be guided for the first acquaintance with the drink.

The best grappa cocktails

1. “Italian wife”


  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • grappa – 40 ml;
  • Blue Curacao liqueur – 5 ml.

Recipe: Mix all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Pour the mixture into a glass.

How to drink grappa – tips from Italians
italian wife

2. “Clover”


  • grappa – 30 ml;
  • strawberry syrup (liqueur) – 10 ml;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • egg white – 1 piece;
  • strawberries – 1 piece.

Recipe: Mix grappa, juice, protein and liquor in a shaker, pour into a glass filled with ice. Decorate with strawberries.

Cocktail “Clover”

3. “Citrus”


  • orange juice – 50 ml;
  • grapefruit juice – 50 ml;
  • grappa – 50 ml.

Recipe: alternately pour orange and grapefruit juice into a glass in equal proportions, then grappa. Mix well.

How to drink grappa – tips from Italians
Cocktail “Citrus”

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