How to drink gin in three different ways

Gin was invented by the Dutch, but it became really popular thanks to the British. This article is devoted to gin (the second name is juniper vodka) and its consumption culture. In a moment, you’ll learn how to drink gin in three different ways to appreciate its excellent taste.

Gin – This is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 34-47 degrees, made by insisting wheat alcohol on juniper and other spices (coriander, almonds, anise, lemon peel, violet root, etc.) followed by distillation (distillation) of the finished tincture. It is juniper in combination with other herbs that gives the drink a unique dryish taste that connoisseurs like so much.

Gin can be drunk in three different ways:

1. Pure

Suitable for lovers of strong alcohol. During the feast, chilled to a temperature of +4-6 ° C, undiluted gin is served as an aperitif (before the main meal). The drink stimulates the appetite and delights guests, especially those who have never tasted it before.

In the mouth, pure gin causes a feeling of coldness. In England they even say that it is cold as metal. The addition of juniper and a special production technology affect, in which re-distillation in a special distillation cube takes place very slowly, literally drop by drop.

How to drink gin in three different ways
Gin making machine

Pure gin is eaten with lemons, olives and even pickled onions. These products will not spoil the taste, on the contrary, they will be a great addition to the drink.

How to drink gin in three different ways
Lemon is one of the best snacks for a good gin.

2. Diluted

Gin is mixed with carbonated mineral water, cola, soda or fruit juices (mainly citrus). The main advantage of this method is the ability to adjust the strength of alcohol in your glass.

There are no exact proportions, you can dilute the gin at your discretion. The most popular combination is 1:1, that is, a glass half-filled with gin is topped up with the same amount of another non-alcoholic drink.

Gin also goes well with other spirits, for example, with vermouth or liqueurs, but this is already an element of making cocktails, which we will talk about later.

3. In cocktails

This is the most popular use. Mild clean taste and high strength allow you to mix gin with other ingredients, getting excellent cocktails of moderate strength.

The most famous is the gin and tonic cocktail. It was invented by British soldiers serving in India. With the resulting drink, they quenched their thirst and at the same time escaped from malaria. After returning home, the soldiers did not change their traditions, accustoming the entire population of England to gin and tonic.

How to drink gin in three different ways
Gin tonic is the most popular gin cocktail

The recipe for gin and tonic is simple: fill a tall glass glass with a thick bottom by a third with ice, add one part gin and two parts tonic. You can also put a slice of lemon on top.

With what and how to drink gin correctly – about the choice of snacks and drinks

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