How to drink dry wormwood; how to drink wormwood from parasites

How to drink dry wormwood; how to drink wormwood from parasites

Wormwood is a wild plant with a very bitter taste and specific aroma. Wormwood is used in folk and official medicine; leaves and stems of the plant are suitable for treatment. Folk medicines based on plants are considered especially effective in the fight against parasites, if you drink wormwood correctly, you can get rid of them without harm to health.

Dry wormwood can be boiled or taken in powder

Ready-to-eat herbs can be purchased at pharmacies, or you can prepare plant parts yourself. They are collected at different times and dried in a room with good ventilation without access to the sun.

How to drink wormwood from parasites

Wormwood effectively cleanses the body of various types of parasites. According to research data, helminths and microorganisms live in the internal organs of more than 90% of the world’s population. In the process of life, they release toxins that pollute the body and cause severe diseases of internal organs, skin, inflammation, metabolic disorders.

Wormwood relieves a person from pests gently and without the help of drugs.

  1. Wormwood decoction. Grind dry leaves of the plant, pour three tablespoons into a saucepan, pour cold water. After bringing to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes. Then turn off, wrap the pan in a warm towel and leave to infuse for two hours. The infusion is drunk for half a glass every day.
  2. Douching. Wormwood infusion has disinfecting properties. Douching is best done in the evening, before bedtime.
  3. Tincture. Finely ground wormwood leaves and pumpkin seeds are poured with vodka. For 100 g of vodka – three tablespoons of the mixture. It is necessary to insist for at least a week in a closed container in a warm room. Drink the tincture half an hour before meals three times a day for up to two weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

Experts recommend douching at the same time as taking wormwood inside.

Wormwood infusion does not always cope with parasites in hard-to-reach corners of the intestine, the concentration gradually decreases and becomes safe for pests. The dry powder of the plant comes to the rescue, cleansing the entire digestive tract.

To prepare the remedy, wormwood must be crushed to a state of dust. A teaspoon of the powder is drunk every two hours with clean water. After two days, the number of appointments is reduced to four.

The course of treatment lasts from five to seven days

Wormwood destroys about a hundred species of parasites, but does not affect their eggs. To fix this, add exactly the same ground cloves to the powder in equal proportions.

Wormwood should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, people with exacerbated diseases of the intestines and stomach, with high acidity and allergies to the plant.

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