How to drink cognac – warm or cold?

In the circle of my friends and acquaintances, many prefer cognac, not vodka or whiskey. Once I asked in a company: “What temperature should cognac be at the time of its tasting?” – they answered me, with a share of irony: “We do not taste cognac! We just drink it! And therefore, your question will remain unanswered.

Then I decided to share my knowledge with you, dear readers. Maybe you will need it.

The effect of temperature on the taste of cognac

Cognac lovers themselves determine how it should be consumed, based on their preferences. Someone “respects” a cold drink, someone warms it up by the fire of a fireplace, if there is one nearby. And someone does nothing on purpose, and pours it into a glass as it is. Who is right?

This is interesting: a cognac glass is called a snifter. The lower part of it is expanded, and the upper one is narrowed. It is believed that this form does not allow the aromatic substances from the drink to quickly evaporate. The snifter is filled with cognac no more than 1/3.

How to drink cognac – warm or cold?

In the photo: a glass for cognac – a snifter.

The global community of tasters believes that chilled cognac does not fully reveal its taste qualities. The cold, as it were, “fetters” the aroma, does not allow it to spread freely.

Yes, and human taste buds react differently to a cold product – the taste is felt weaker.

But even after strong heating (more than 30 degrees), cognac becomes less pleasant due to the sharp alcohol smell, since subtle aromas disappear too quickly.

This means that you can appreciate the real richness of the taste of this strong alcohol only at a certain temperature.

Cognac in a glass – optimal temperature

Tastes, as they say, do not argue. However, experts from France, the birthplace of cognac, advise tasting an amber drink when it is at room temperature. This range is from 20C° to 25C°.

Simply put, a bottle of purchased cognac should not be placed in the refrigerator, or placed next to heating appliances.

Before use, a bottle of cognac should simply be in the room without any impact: in a cabinet, on a table, in a cell for bottles. The main thing is not in the light – direct sunlight adversely affects the quality of the drink.

Professional sommeliers distinguish three “waves” in cognac aroma. Evaporation of light vanilla tones can be felt 5 cm from the edge of the glass. The smell of flowers and fruits is felt in the immediate vicinity of the edge of the snifter. Complex aromatic tones of long-term aging appear at a distance of 2-3 cm from the drink itself.

How to drink cognac – warm or cold?

In the photo: Crimean aged cognac.

Sommeliers recommend: cognac in a glass can be warmed for a short time with the warmth of the palms. It is believed that the temperature of the human body can awaken the most exquisite notes in the drink.

How to cool cognac

Remember, friends: a good cognac, with many years of aging is not cooled! It’s not vodka or champagne. The whole spectrum of aromatic substances can only be appreciated if it is warm.

Sudden temperature fluctuations also adversely affect the noble taste of the drink. He gets tired of it. And at rest, at a uniform room temperature, it “rests”, concentrating all its rich taste potential.

If you are not sure about the quality of the brandy that you are going to drink, then you must first cool it in the refrigerator to a temperature of 13-15 degrees. So you can hide the defects of taste, remove the unpleasant odor of alcohol.

Do glasses cool before pouring cognac into them?

There is no need to cool a special glass for cognac, unless you live in Africa. Indeed, on the tropical continent, the air temperature reaches 50 C °, and above. In Russia, with its vast snowy expanses, on the contrary, you always want to warm something up. Or sit closer to the stove, fireplace, fire.

A comfortable temperature for a person will be comfortable for cognac (20-25 degrees). Therefore, it is not necessary to additionally cool the glasses. Before use, it is enough to wash them thoroughly in warm water, wipe with a dry linen napkin and pour the drink.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

And what temperature of cognac do you prefer? Maybe you do not agree with me and prefer to drink this drink from shot glasses and very chilled?

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