How to drink Calvados – important aspects of taste perception

The Vikings, who lived in Normandy in the XNUMXth century, were the first to make Calvados. Now this drink, along with wine, cognac and champagne, is considered a national treasure of France. It is allowed to be produced only in a few regions. I suggest that lovers of good alcohol learn how to drink Calvados in order to fully appreciate all its benefits.

Calvados – this is an apple (rarely pear) brandy with a strength of about 40 degrees, obtained by distillation (distillation) of cider, followed by aging alcohol in oak barrels. About 2,5 thousand producers concentrated in Lower Normandy (France) have the right to label their brandy with the name “Calvados”. Only forty of them are large, the rest are small distilleries with a meager volume of production.

How to drink Calvados – important aspects of taste perception

Serving time

There are no clear rules for drinking Calvados in the world. But connoisseurs and experienced restaurateurs know that one glass of this drink improves appetite. The composition of Calvados includes malic acid, which improves digestion, so experts advise drinking Calvados at the beginning of a meal, that is, using it as an aperitif.

In the last few years, calvados have been served not only before meals, but also in between hearty meals. A glass of Calvados helps to digest food faster, as a result, a person feels hungry and is more willing to try new dishes.

Temperature and glasses

Calvados is drunk from cognac, for grappa or wine glasses, heated to + 18-22 ° C. First, the drink is warmed up in a glass with the warmth of the palm, and only then they drink it in small sips, enjoying every drop. Calvados does not like to rush, it is a drink for a quiet evening with good friends. Strong varieties can be combined with smoking aromatic cigars.

How to drink Calvados – important aspects of taste perception
Proper glasses


If you decide to drink only Calvados all evening, then white bread, cheeses, fruits, chocolate, sweet pastries and ice cream are perfect as a snack.

Calvados also goes well with strong coffee. In a quality aged drink, a light apple aftertaste is always felt.

How to drink Calvados – important aspects of taste perception
Calvados eat cheese and fruit

Famous brands

The most famous brands of Calvados are:

  • Busnel;
  • М. Dupon;
  • Rere Magloire;
  • Boulard;
  • Cent-Anne Fiefs.

It is interesting that back in the USSR, on the shelves of stores, you could find an alcoholic drink, which was also called Calvados, but it was not in demand, so domestic distilleries curtailed its production.

How to drink Calvados – important aspects of taste perception
An example of a Soviet Calvados label

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