How to drink black cumin oil properly: how long does oil therapy last?
We will tell you how to drink black seed oil correctly in order to get more benefits.
The source of black cumin oil comes from the raw seeds of the plant, which are processed using the cold-pressed method. Thanks to this technology, the product retains all its beneficial properties, exerting a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, even without being a drug.
The content of the article
Black cumin oil to restore the body
Expected effect on the body
How much to drink black cumin oil when losing weight
How To Drink Black Seed Oil – Benefiting From A Seed Processing Product
How to properly drink black seed oil to restore the body?
When the purpose of taking oil is elimination of digestive disorders, increased immunity or prevention of diseases, the following application scheme is practiced:
children, starting from the age of 6, can drink no more than half a teaspoon of the product per day;
for adults, a daily two-fold intake on an empty stomach is provided for a teaspoon and before dinner – only on an empty stomach in the same dosage.
In any case, the product is consumed no later than 15 minutes before a meal, washed down with 100 ml of water with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it. You can substitute carrot juice for water. The therapy is continued for about 4 months, after which a 2-month break is taken.
If the purpose of the reception is elimination of hypertension, oil in an amount of 100 ml is combined equally with honey, lemon juice and placed in a refrigerator for storage. The recommended frequency of admission is 2 times a day.
How to drink black seed oil: expected effects on the body
By observing the recommended regular intake of oil, you can achieve the following results:
- normalize the work of the digestive system;
- increase the activity of the immune system;
- strengthen curls, activate their growth;
- restore natural hair color, getting rid of gray hair;
- neutralize pathogenic flora in the body;
- lower the level of bad cholesterol;
- increase the outflow of bile;
- free the body from free radicals.
When there are no obvious problems with the body, prophylactic intake of oil in the morning on an empty stomach helps to maintain normal metabolism, increase resistance to external factors.
How much to drink black cumin oil when losing weight?
When losing weight, they drink oil according to a special scheme, spending two monthly courses. In the first month carbohydrate food is additionally excluded from the diet, and oil is drunk as follows.
The first 7 days – before breakfast, take a teaspoon with a glass of water.
Second 7 days – in the same amount with water before breakfast and dinner.
Third 7 days – before breakfast, a couple of teaspoons with two glasses of water.
Last 7 days – similar to the first week.
In the second month a fat-poor diet is organized, the daily amount of lipids does not exceed 20 g. Oil is drunk according to this scheme.
The first 7 days – without water, a tablespoon before breakfast.
Second 7 days – without water before breakfast in the amount of 2 tablespoons.
Third 7 days – three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, a couple of teaspoons.
Last week caraway weight loss switch to taking oil twice a day, a teaspoon with a glass of water.
If the dosages and duration of intake are observed, harm to the body is excluded, and improvement in well-being will not be long in coming.
Ph.D., nutritionist of the family clinic chain
– Firstly, for safe weight loss, it is necessary not to drink cumin seeds, but correctly, that is, to eat varied and balanced, observe the drinking regime, and maintain physical shape. If you decide to support the body with cumin oil, you need to consult your doctor. For all its benefits, the plant has quite a few contraindications: it lowers blood pressure and can cause an allergic reaction. Also not recommended for pregnant women.
Anna Gerasimenko, Salnikova Yulia