How to drink bitter Campari (Campari)

This drink is easily recognizable by its ruby ​​color and standard bottle, devoid of designer frills. One sip is enough to remember the citrus aroma and specific bitter aftertaste. We will look at the culture of drinking Campari bitters, which has grown significantly in popularity in recent years.

Campari – Italian liqueur (bitter) with a strength of 25%, made on the basis of more than 20 herbs, roots, fruits, spices. The exact recipe and composition are kept secret by the manufacturer, it is only known that the bitterness appears due to the Mediterranean bitter oranges of the myrtle-leaved orange variety.

Until 2006, Campari’s red color was provided by the natural food coloring carmine, obtained from female cochineal insects. At the moment, a synthetic substitute is used.

It is believed that Campari contains thujone, a narcotic substance with a hallucinogenic effect. However, none of the numerous checks failed to prove the fact of its presence.

The liqueur is named after the Milanese owner of the pastry shop Gaspare Campari, who in his spare time was engaged in the creation of spirits. In 1860, Gaspare managed to come up with an outstanding recipe. Realizing this, the enterprising Italian immediately founded Gruppo Campari. Industrial production of bitter began in 1904.

Ways to drink Campari

1. Pure

Liquor should be served before meals as an aperitif, after cooling to 8-10 degrees or adding ice. Only 20-30 ml of the drink helps to improve appetite. Drink Campari in small sips from shot glasses or glasses. Snack on oranges and other fruits.

How to drink bitter Campari (Campari)

This method reveals the full range of Campari taste, but the liquor must be cold, as an unpleasant aftertaste of herbs appears at room temperature.

2. With other drinks

First of all, juices. Diluting Campari with fresh orange, grapefruit, lemon or cherry juice in a ratio of 1:2 (1 part liquor and 2 parts juice) reduces the strength of the drink by an order of magnitude and makes it not so bitter. In summer, a mix of Campari with juice and ice perfectly quenches thirst.

This bitter is also mixed with other strong alcoholic drinks: vodka, gin, sometimes even vermouth. The optimal proportion is 1:1. But this is closer to cocktails, which will be discussed further.

Cocktails with Campari

According to the editors of Alkofan, the best for cooking at home are:

1. Negroes


  • Campari – 30 ml;
  • Martini Rosso (another red vermouth) – 30 ml;
  • Gin – 20 ml.

Recipe: alternately pour all the ingredients into a glass, mix, garnish with an orange slice on top, serve with a straw.

Negroni – composition and classic cocktail recipe

2. White Campari


  • Campari – 20 ml;
  • Dry white wine – 50 ml.

Recipe: pour liquor and wine into a glass with ice, mix gently, garnish with an orange slice.

3. The Adriatic


  • Campari – 30 ml;
  • vodka – 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Recipe: mix vodka, orange liqueur and lemon juice in a shaker, pour the resulting mixture into a glass with ice. Add bitters and stir. For decoration, you can use dwarf oranges, kneeled on a skewer.

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