How to drink at a wedding: tips and tricks

If in the near future you are going to take a walk at a wedding as a groom, witness or guest, it will be useful for you to learn how to behave during the ceremony and at the festive banquet.

Very few people prefer the so-called “dry” wedding, that is, without alcohol. Unfortunately, any careless word uttered under the influence of alcohol can cause a grandiose massacre, which only a police squad can stop. Listen to some tips on how to drink at a wedding so as not to overshadow the bride’s happiest day of her life, and so that your friend does not repeat after that: “You ruined my wedding!”.

These time-tested tips will help you have fun and not feel any remorse for misbehavior.

Going to the wedding…

Before you go to the wedding, find out what alcoholic drinks will be offered to guests at the banquet, and in what volume. Will they be in unlimited quantities, or will the organizers pay for only a few glasses per person. What will it be: champagne, cocktails, vodka or house wine. This should be learned carefully, in a roundabout way. In no case should you contact the bride or groom directly, so as not to offend them. It is best to find out from those who help in organizing the wedding: parents, relatives or close friends.

On the day of the celebration, have a hearty breakfast (preferably eggs and carbohydrate-rich foods), and drink as much liquid as possible (of course, not containing alcohol, because you will enjoy it during the banquet). This will help you keep your mind sharp and not get drunk too quickly during traditional wedding ceremonies, when it is necessary, for example, to drink vodka from the bride’s shoe.

Champagne in the registry office

Of course, the wedding ceremony is a solemn event. But it is really important only for two people: the bride and groom. The patience of guests waiting for two hours for the moment when it will be possible to congratulate the newlyweds is rewarded with traditional champagne.

Remembering that a festive banquet awaits you later, you should limit yourself to one glass, even if you really love this drink.

How not to embarrass yourself during a banquet

Arriving at a banquet hall, restaurant or cafe, you should not immediately start drinking alcohol, for this you will have at your disposal the whole evening, and sometimes even the night. Remember that you are at a wedding, not a tasting. While snacking, you can drink one or two glasses of wine or a couple of cocktails, but limit them to those that contain a small amount of alcohol. Communicate as much as possible with guests, then you will not be tempted to try all the drinks that are on the tables.

After the arrival of the bride and groom, it is time to sit down at the tables. During a festive lunch or dinner, behave decently: you should not constantly shout “Bitter!”, preventing the newlyweds and their guests from enjoying the festive dishes, and also do the opposite – make a toast for ten minutes until one of the guests loses patience and will not cut off your “abstruse” speech in the most unceremonious way.

Do not try to completely drain your glass or glass every time a toast is made – it is much more decent to drink a drink a little at a time. This will save you the energy to compete in wedding pageants and dance with your bridesmaids if you love dancing. After all, there can be a lot of toasts, so you should not brag about your ability to drink several liters of alcohol without getting drunk.

On the tables, in addition to alcohol, there are always a lot of bottles of water. Drink water, then you can last longer.

How to dance to terrible music at a wedding

Breaks for dancing at a wedding are not uncommon. Of course, you can whine that the music is bad, you don’t listen to that, and a million other reasons. But sometimes you just need to shake the rolls purely out of respect for the guests and youngsters. Even if you don’t know how to dance or don’t really like to dance, it will be better if you do not try to empty all the bottles in front of you, but get up from the table and join the entertaining guests. Firstly, this way you will win their sympathy, and secondly, no one will call you a beech. Of course, if at this point you will still be able to stand on your feet. If you feel that you are already very “drunk”, you should immediately bow out and leave the cheerful society.

In order to make dancing more fun, it is not forbidden to drink a little alcohol. It can be a glass of light beer or a weak cocktail. If you prefer a stronger drink, take a few small sips of it.

By the way, do not try to mix drinks: it does not lead to anything good. Usually people do this to experience new, previously unknown sensations. Remember that in this case, a truly unknown, but not entirely pleasant sensation in the form of a severe hangover awaits you the day after the wedding. And, of course, it is the use of strong drinks that is the root cause of the state that gives rise to all conflicts during such events. You should drink, gradually increasing the strength of the drinks, and not vice versa.

Is it worth demanding the continuation of the banquet?

The wedding celebration cannot go on indefinitely. Gradually, the guests begin to disperse, the parents – to consider the dowry, the bride and groom – to prepare for the wedding night. Sometimes the restaurant remains open until the last guest, and walkers can spend time there until dawn.

At this time, you can drink a few glasses or glasses of stronger drinks with peace of mind, which will give you strength and fun for dancing and flirting, however, this should be done gradually, without getting drunk to unconsciousness, remembering that in the morning you will have to see some guests . You may even want to meet your bridesmaid, so make sure she has only good impressions of you.

Getting you home shouldn’t be the concern of other guests, so don’t push yourself to the point where you can’t even tell the taxi driver your home address. The party should be left before the consciousness starts to get muddled.

By following the advice given in this article, you will have fun and do not tarnish your good name.

Relevance: 16.11.2015

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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