How to drink and not get drunk, but also avoid a hangover: 20 ways

Reasons … There are a lot of reasons to drink – a holiday, a meeting of comrades, it’s boring. And it’s good when you know the measure, you know how to resist the pressure of friends, they say, drink more, what will happen to you. And in the morning horror, and in the morning a hangover. In cases where you don’t want to offend your “drinking buddies”, the skills to drink and not get drunk are not only valuable, but simply irreplaceable.

Even the KGB has its own technique, so that in emergency situations the agent remains in a bright mind and solid memory, however, learning this method is the same as learning all the secrets of the world. However, there is plenty of information we need in the public domain, especially verified information – at least narcologists and toxicologists can be trusted. Now to business.

Proven ways to drink and not get drunk

Why first offer ways to cure a hangover, if you can offer you several ways to prevent a hangover, as well as drink with everyone on an equal footing and not get drunk. Of course, the easiest way is not to drink. How not to drink, you ask? And rightly note. The second reasonable advice is to drink in moderation. Also not for you? Then we read on.

Attention! The recommendations below include medications and certain foods that can cause side effects and allergic reactions. Please consult your doctor or read the package leaflet carefully before following them!

Measures before the feast

Tip number 1: “Disperse the liver”

What to do: 2-3 hours before the feast, drink 50 ml of vodka, no more.

Why: the liver will receive an impetus to the production of enzymes that are involved in the oxidation of alcohol decay products, therefore, the body will already be ready for a difficult fate.

Tip #2: Throw Yoda

What to do: a couple of days before heavy drinking, eat foods high in iodine. Most of the iodine in products of marine origin: shellfish (squid, shrimp, mussels, rapana), sea kale (up to 300 mcg / 100 g), fish (hake, pollock, haddock, cod). Also, iodine is found in large quantities in some plant products: feijoa (up to 350 mcg / 100 g), persimmon, black currant, potatoes. From the pleasant – iodine is found in large quantities in green walnuts, from which you can make homemade Nocino liquor and “prepare” for a feast with taste.

Why: Delayed iodine stimulates the production of thyroid hormones, which are involved in the oxidation of alcohol breakdown products. The bottom line is to take a loading dose of this element, somewhere around 2-3 daily (the daily dose of iodine in an ordinary healthy person is somewhere around 100-150 mcg), just two days before the feast, since the increase in hormone synthesis takes place approximately from such a delay.

Tip #3: Fill up on vitamins

What to do: 12 and 4 hours before drinking, take a double dose of pyridoxine hydrochloride, aka vitamin B6. The procedure can be repeated before going to bed after a feast for better well-being in the morning. You can also refuel with vitamins B1 and C.

Why: Pyridoxine is essential for normal liver function. It activates the enzyme “alcohol dehydrogenase”, which catalyzes the oxidation of alcohols. It is better to take vitamin B6 in the form of a vitamin preparation, which will be advised in a pharmacy. Read the package leaflet carefully, and be sure to consult your doctor about this. Vitamin B1 stimulates the production of Acetyl coenzyme A, which completes the processing of alcohol, and vitamin C binds toxins for their further removal.

Tip #4: Support the digestive tract with enzymes

What to do: an hour before the event, take a double dose of digestive enzymes: Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, Micrasim, etc.

Why: during a feast, it is important to unload the gastrointestinal tract in order to simplify the body’s task of oxidizing and removing alcohol. Choose drugs that do not contain bile (for example, Festal and Panzinorm) so as not to reduce the production of your own bile acid in the body.

Tip #5: Boost Your Metabolism with Amber

What to do: before the feast, take a dose of succinic acid in tablets (Amber antitox, Amber, Succinic acid, etc.), which is sold in pharmacies for mere pennies.

Why: succinic acid decently accelerates metabolism, which greatly helps to cope with the breakdown products of alcohol. According to legend, the study and development of preparations with succinic acid was originally carried out by order of the military just for our purposes. Taking succinic acid is also useful during the feast and after it, but do not overdo it, otherwise everything will end with an ulcer!

Tip #6: Help the liver with glutargin

What to do: before the feast, drink 2,5 tablets of glutargin 750 mg or equivalent in tablets of 250 mg (7 pieces).

Why: glutargin, a salt of arginine and glutamic acid, stimulates the liver and prevents inhibition of the main ethanol utilization enzyme – alcohol dehydrogenase. The drug costs a penny, works well in conjunction with succinic acid, as it stimulates its oxidation. Often used in the treatment of alcohol poisoning, so take note!

Tip #7: Drink Sorbent

What to do: before and after (you can also during) the feast, drink activated charcoal or any other enterosorbent: Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, etc.

Why: to adsorb harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract before they enter the bloodstream. Take the sorbent in the amount specified in the instructions for the drug.

Measures during the feast

Tip #8: Be faithful

What to do: do not mix, drink only one drink.

Why: almost all drinks contain foreign, that is, non-alcoholic, impurities that additionally load the liver and other organs that work at the limit of their capabilities during a feast. In addition, different groups of alcohols are also perceived by the body in different ways – grain vodka is one thing and grape grappa is quite another. In such cases, the liver is engaged in the processing of stronger poisons, while other alcohols and their decay products are left without attention and send the body further.

Tip #9: Appetizer doesn’t steal degrees

What to do: have a snack, but not much and something light.

Why: firstly, part of the alcohol will remain in excess food in the stomach, which will affect your well-being later. Secondly, fatty, fried, spicy foods will create an additional load on the liver and pancreas, which are already loaded to their fullest during heavy drinking. About the right snack is written in great detail in this article.

Tip #10: Water balance

What to do: drink plenty of fluids, but do it wisely.

Why: alcohol is a diuretic, in addition, a lot of water is consumed by the body to utilize it. What does it mean to drink fluids wisely? The liquid should be drunk in a balanced and gradual manner, so that in the morning you do not suffer from puffiness of the face and a headache from an imbalance of fluid in the body. It is better to drink not water, but juices rich in citric acid and vitamin C. Avoid carbonated drinks – they irritate the gastric mucosa.

Tip #11: Know when to stop

What to do: drink within the limits of your norm, which can only be determined empirically.

Why: for reasons of logic and common sense. Remember that alcohol is a poison, and like any poison, it can cause irreparable harm to your body. Do not exceed 170 g of pure ethanol per day (average for a person weighing 70 kg).

Tip #12: Fire volleys!

What to do: drink strong alcohol in one gulp.

Why: it is known that the oral mucosa absorbs substances much faster than the digestive tract. From elite drinks that are slowly savored, for example, whiskey, get drunk quickly – do not hold alcohol in your mouth. And in general, if you need to drink a lot, avoid expensively aged alcohol, which puts a load on the liver many times more.

Tip #13: Exercise

What to do: move.

Why: This will help to gradually remove toxins from the body. Dance, participate in competitions, if intoxication has caught up, you can take a walk along the street. Physical activity will not be superfluous after the feast.

Tip #14: Get the mixology right

What to do: drink a cocktail with juices and tonics

Why: Drinks rich in vitamin C and citric acid will ease your lot in the morning. A real tonic, with quinine, tones the liver. Of the classic cocktails, these are: Bloody Mary, Whiskey Sour, Tequila Sunrise, Mojito, Screwdriver, Gin and tonic, etc.

Tip #15: Wrong Mixology

What to do: do not drink cocktails with a high sugar content

Why: High blood glucose will lead to a severe hangover, headache and dehydration in the morning.

Measures after the feast

Tip #16: Repetition is the mother of learning

What to do: repeat the intake of enzymes, vitamins and sorbent.

Why: read previous tips.

Tip #17: Tea Ceremony

What to do: drink green tea in any quantity.

Why: green tea helps with the removal of toxins, and also improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Tip #18: Fresh air

What to do: before going to bed, ventilate the room, and it is better to leave the window open at night.

Why: fresh air is necessary for all the necessary processes to cleanse the body of alcohol decay products. Be sure to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room – the hangover will be minimal.

Tip #19: Take it easy

What to do: go to the bathroom before bed

Why: less toxins are absorbed through the intestines and bladder.

Tip #19: Sleep is the best doctor

What to do: get some sleep!

Why: during sleep, our body is restored, you can not argue with this statement. If it’s hard to fall asleep because of the so-called “helicopters” (I think I don’t need to explain), try to fall asleep sitting. You can also try “grounding” – just hang both legs off the bed and try to keep your feet firmly on the floor. Your body will assume that you are upright. If you suffer from insomnia, drink a sedative (valerian, motherwort, herbal preparations, etc.) or sleeping pills (consult your doctor).

Summing up, drawing conclusions

So, now you know how to drink and not get drunk, as well as how to minimize a hangover in the morning – all this can be reduced to three main parts. The preparatory part is to facilitate the task of the liver to process alcohol and its decay products. The second part, that is, what happens during the feast and after it, is to ensure the normal output of alcohol processing products in the liver. The third part is the acceleration of metabolism and oxidative processes.

If the above tips did not help you, which means that you missed something, we recommend that you read the article on a hangover. After enlightenment, you can safely proceed to the treatment of morning sickness – here are the basic principles of treating a hangover, and here you will find several anti-hangover cocktails. But we sincerely hope that it will not come to that. Bookmark this page and be sure to tell your friends – future feasts can turn from a banal booze into an interesting, cultural pastime, albeit with a lot of alcohol.

PS All the above recommendations should not be taken as a panacea for all ills. You will probably drink without getting drunk, and this self-poisoning can last for several days, but it is very difficult to maintain good health in such conditions. By following the recommendations in this article, you can minimize the consequences of heavy drinking, as well as maintain an acceptable state of health for further life and human appearance. Recall that the best remedy for alcohol intoxication is still abstinence!

In preparing the material, information was used from the Pokhmelye.rf website

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