How to drink Amaretto

Amaretto is one of the first foreign liqueurs that appeared in Russia in the early 90s. In terms of quality and taste, it compares favorably with other alcoholic drinks available to Soviet citizens, and was a welcome guest on the table. I will tell you how to drink Amaretto in different ways. We will also consider the best cocktail recipes with it.

Amaretto – This is a dark brown Italian liqueur with a bitter taste and smell of almonds with a strength of 21-30 degrees. Amaretto contains grape spirit, almonds (or apricot kernels), vanilla, herbs and spices. The traditional region of production is the city of Saronno, located in the province of Lombardy.

The name “Amaretto” comes from the Italian word “amaro”, which translates as “slightly bitter”. This is the most accurate description of the drink, denoting its essence. Another feature of the liquor is a recognizable bottle with a square cap, invented by the glassblowers of the island of Murano specifically for Amaretto. Legend has it that thanks to the square shape, the drinker, even in complete darkness, can find his favorite liquor by touch.

How to drink Amaretto

According to the most common version, the history of Amaretto is associated with the Renaissance artist Bernardino Luini (1485-1532), who was a student of Leonardo da Vinci. One day, Luini came to Saronno to paint a fresco for the local monastery. For the image of the Madonna, the artist chose a beautiful widow.

In the process of working on the painting, Luini and the model fell in love with each other. When it was time to part, the woman gave her beloved a drink consisting of grape brandy, apricot pits and spices.

To maintain this beautiful legend, a mysterious smiling stranger was depicted on the label of Amaretto for a long time. True, it is not known how, in this case, the liqueur recipe came to the Italian Disaronno family, which claims to be its authorship.

Ways to drink Amaretto liqueur

1. Pure

This method is suitable for true connoisseurs of the taste of Amaretto. Glasses with a volume of 60-100 ml are filled with room temperature liquor. Drink it slowly in small sips, enjoying every drop. You can eat Amaretto with cheese, fruits, ice cream and desserts.

How to drink Amaretto
Sweet desserts are best for appetizers.

It is also customary to mix Amaretto with ice. This method is not so popular, because melting ice distorts the taste, and low temperatures do not allow you to enjoy the amazing smell of the drink. Serve Amaretto with ice is better as a digestif (dessert alcoholic drink).

2. Mixing with other drinks

First of all, it is orange and cherry juices. Diluted with juice in a ratio of 1: 1, Amaretto is considered an excellent refreshing drink of low strength.

In nightclubs, Amaretto is often mixed with Coca-Cola. Proportion 1:2 (one part liqueur and two parts cola). The resulting mixture tastes like cherry cola. This option is more suitable for young people who prefer low-alcohol mixes.

A few teaspoons of liquor can be added to tea, coffee or hot chocolate. You will get a cup of a warming drink with an original almond flavor.

The best cocktails with Amaretto

hot gold


  • orange juice – 150 ml;
  • Amaretto – 50 ml;
  • lemon – 1 quarter;
  • orange – 1 piece.


1. Mix liqueur and orange juice in a saucepan. Add juice squeezed from a quarter of a lemon.

2. Heat the resulting mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil.

3. Pour into a cup, garnish with an orange slice.

4. Serve the cocktail along with prunes and dried apricots.

Rose with cherry


  • pink vermouth – 50 ml;
  • cherry juice – 150 ml;
  • Amaretto – 10 ml;
  • ice cubes – 200 grams.


1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.

2. Add vermouth, liqueur and juice.

3. Mix well. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Godmother (father)


  • vodka (whiskey) – 45 ml;
  • Amaretto – 20 ml;
  • ice – 100 grams.


1. Fill a glass with ice.

2. Add Amaretto with vodka (whiskey).

3. Stir well.

Cocktail “The Godfather” – composition, proportions, recipe

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