In order for the baby’s body to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and vitamin D, on which its full development depends, it is necessary to take daily walks with it. With the arrival of spring, mothers begin to think about what to dress the child in on the street. After all, it is so important that the baby feels comfortable, so as not to freeze and overheat.
How to dress a child in spring
A particularly insidious period in the springtime is April, when the weather has not yet settled down. One day can please with calm wind and warmth, and another – bring an icy wind with you. When collecting babies for a walk, you need to pay attention to proper dressing, taking into account the inconstancy of the weather in the off-season. Before going outside, you should determine the air temperature outside the window. To do this, just go to the balcony or look out the window. You need to dress the baby so that he is comfortable on a walk.
Clothing for a newborn should be made of high quality materials that allow the skin to breathe and provide air exchange.
Since the baby is not yet able to control his body temperature, dressing him, be guided by this rule: put on the baby on a layer more than you put on yourself
Get rid of the shawl and warm blanket, and instead of a woolen hat, wear two thin caps for a spring walk that will protect you from the cold wind and prevent overheating.
Baby clothes should be multi-layered. Instead of one thick jacket in the spring, it is better to put on a pair of blouses on the child. Noticing that the baby has become hot, the top layer can be easily removed, or, if necessary, put on one layer on top. The main thing is that the baby is not blown in the wind. When you whip him, you should not think that this way you will protect him from colds. A toddler may be more likely to get sick from overheating than from cold.
For the lower underwear layer, a cotton jumpsuit or undershirt is suitable. You can wear a terry or fleece suit on top. Try to use one-piece clothes so that the legs and lower back are always protected from the penetration of the wind, and the baby’s movements are not constrained.
When going for a walk, always take a raincoat with you so that sudden precipitation does not catch you by surprise
Leave your woolen socks and mittens at home. Put on two pairs of socks on the legs, one of which is insulated, and leave the handles open. Periodically check the fingers and nose of the crumbs by touching them. Cold skin indicates that the baby is cold. If the baby is hot, his neck and back will be damp.
In rainy or cool weather, you can bring a light blanket with you. Cover your baby with it if it gets cold. For fans of changing on a warm spring day, a warm hat, one flannel diaper and a blanket will suffice.
If you carry a baby in a sling, keep in mind that it warms the baby in the warmth of your body, and therefore the clothes should be a little lighter than usual. If the baby is going for a walk under a slingokurt, dress it in the same way as you dressed yourself. However, be sure to properly insulate its legs.