How to draw arrows on the eyes. Video

How to draw arrows on the eyes. Video

Arrows on the eyes are an incredibly successful and expressive makeup element. They can give your image the character you would like. The only problem is that it is quite difficult to draw an arrow evenly and beautifully the first time. But it doesn’t matter: it’s easy to learn.

How to draw arrows on the eyes

There are several types of cosmetics for drawing arrows, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  • The liner is a bottle with an eyeliner equipped with a brush cap. Not the best option for beginners, since it is quite difficult to wield a built-in brush with a foam or felt tip, and besides, this tip fluffs up quickly. This eyeliner sets and dries quickly, so you will have to completely erase the uneven line along with the shadows and paint again. But it is suitable for girls who are more experienced in this matter.
  • The felt-tip pen is very handy for learning how to draw arrows, but the line turns out to be rather pale and thick, and the felt-tip pen itself dries up pretty quickly.
  • The eyeliner is easy to blend, easy to apply and suitable for beginners.

But no matter how well you sharpen a pencil, it will not give an accurate and thin line, moreover, more often it spreads by the end of the day.

  • Dry eyeliner and a flat beveled brush are great options, especially for beginners. The only downside is that the line will not turn out too bright.
  • Gel and creamy eyeliners are also good options. They stay on the skin for a long time, are easy to apply, but you will have to purchase a thin flat beveled brush for them.

How to draw arrows on the eyes

The eyeliner is applied after all the basic eye makeup (base, foundation, eyeshadow), but before applying mascara.

To understand the correct direction of the arrow on the eyes, draw a visual tangent line on the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. You can attach a pencil or any flat card for this. This line should be parallel to the lower border of the eyebrow. The pointed tip of the arrow will pass along this line.

Using the arrows, you can correct the shape of the eyes. For example, for small eyes, draw arrows starting from the middle of the eye, and not from the inner corner, for wide-set ones – carefully drawing the inner corner

Start drawing the arrow from the inner corner of the eye exactly along the lash line. You can draw a thin line first, and then expand it or fix it if it is not straight enough. At the inner corner of the eye, the line should be thin and widen towards the outside.

To keep your hand from shaking, lean on a table or other hard surface. To set the line, you can apply a colorless powder on top.

After a while, when you have enough practice, the arrows will turn out to be even before your eyes, and you can experiment with their thickness, direction and shape to choose the perfect one for yourself.

Also interesting to read: a scratch on the face.

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