How to do sports if the gym is not your story

Postponing workouts just because you don’t like going to the gym is no longer trendy.

Going to training is now fashionable, because everyone is talking only about the benefits of moderate sports loads. And girls with perfect bodies on Instagram are so motivating that even the most unsportsmanlike people buy a gym membership. Some people like training on simulators, which should be done under the supervision of a trainer, while some find it boring. has prepared for you a list of the most unusual workouts outside the gym.

Master trainer of the federal chain of fitness clubs X-Fit.

First of all, training on the street helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress. During outdoor activities, the picture in front of your eyes constantly changes – a park, a forest, a street, a special area, morning, evening, sun or rain. And it evokes a lot of emotions.

During outdoor activities, our body is much more actively saturated with oxygen than indoors, which in turn has a positive effect on the cardiorespiratory system and the nervous system. It also has a positive effect on motor coordination and overall endurance.

The most popular workouts that can be done outdoors:

– Work out sites. You’ve probably noticed exercise machines in parks or courtyards. So now it is very fashionable to train on these almost all year round, and not only in the summer. At first, if you do not know how to properly build your workout, you can invite a trainer who will create an exercise program exclusively for you, and also teach you how to use the simulators correctly.

Classes on such sites allow you to carry out functional training, diversify movements and more effectively turn on metabolic processes due to fresh air.

– Yoga. Many parks or beaches (if you live by the sea) have free yoga classes. The open space allows you to better immerse yourself in meditation techniques, to feel the unity with nature, to concentrate on performing asanas and breathing.

– Cyclic training. These include, for example, running and cycling. Firstly, not a single simulator, even the most realistic, will give 100% coincidence of the biomechanics of movement, which is why classes in open areas give the maximum effect. Secondly, training on the street better saturates the body with oxygen, so the effectiveness will be higher.

Water training

Fitness director of Pride Wellness Club.

– Boat or SUP board. Now this is a very popular direction, which is developing every day. Training on a SUP board or kayak allows you to burn from 300 to 1000 kcal per hour of training, in addition to this, they use all, large and small muscles of the trunk. Also, a big plus of such exercises is that, keeping balance, we train the vestibular apparatus. SUP rowing is a classic aerobic exercise that, in turn, trains the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

– Wakesurfing. In fact, this is ordinary surfing, but it can be practiced even in the city. The point is that the effect of waves will be created by a boat, behind which you will swim, holding on to a special stick with a rope. Such training does not require special physical preparation, but it involves all muscle groups.

– Swimming… The most atraumatic sport that improves and strengthens muscle tone. In addition, swimming helps to strengthen bones, and over time they all become fragile, especially in women during menopause. In addition, regular workouts will help tighten up your buttocks and build your legs and arms.


– Stretching. In addition to promoting flexibility, this workout also helps you get rid of body fat. With constant training, the body becomes toned, tension is eliminated, and a number of exercises are aimed at combating cellulite, from which every woman suffers.

– Barre-fitness. This is a fairly new direction, which differs slightly from body ballet in that it has less dynamics and choreography. But in training, there are many exercises that use certain muscles, for example, exclusively the buttocks or abs. Exercises for the same muscle group will have to be done in several approaches for the effect to be better. Thanks to such workouts, you will have a toned figure and beautiful, feminine muscles.

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