How to do it: sit down or sit down

😉 Hello dear readers! Thank you for choosing an article on this site! Here we will talk about how to do the right thing: sit down or sit down.

Sit down or sit down: how is it right?

Surely many remember the funny court scene from Leonid Gaidai’s film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. The judge says to the head of the district committee, comrade Saakhov (Vladimir Etush): “sit down,” and he replies: “Thank you, I’ll wait.”

There is an opinion that it is ugly to say “sit down” if an official says so to a visitor – it sounds rude, because it resembles a command.

It is necessary to expand the phrase with additional words, then it will be polite. “Sit down please”. “Please” is a must. And the intonation should be polite! This is a colloquial form of an invitation to sit down, a demonstration of care for the interlocutor. Polite intonation is important here!

“Sit down” is wrong. You can squat down or on the edge of a bench, chair, chair. This word is appropriate when you work out in the gym. The prefix “at” indicates an incomplete action. “Sit down” – like a subtle hint to sit down slightly, and then quickly leave.

Why is it that the words “sit down” and “sit down” are avoided in Russia? There is an explanation for this.

“Sit down” seems to be associated with “going to jail.” This fact is supported by the catch phrase “I always have time to sit down” from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”.

Everything in our life is not for nothing. The fact is that since the beginning of Soviet times Russia has been overflowing with jails, prisons and camps. A country in a strong alliance of politics and crime cannot afford to say the correct “sit down”. But only criminals and dishonest people shudder from this.

Last or last: how to speak correctly?

It is wrong to ask “who is the last one?”. But this is what millions of people say. This phrase can be heard anywhere: in clinics, in the queue at the cashier; in shops, train stations, metro and airports. I will try to convincingly explain that this is an erroneous opinion.

How to do it: sit down or sit down

– Who is last?

Each segment also has two edges (ends) on the right and left. And if the question: “In which carriage are you traveling?” the answer will be: “In the extreme”, then an explanation will be required in the first or last, from the head or from the tail of the train. It turns out to be confusion!

For example, a table has four edges. A number of objects have two edges, and the word “extreme” began to be used due to misunderstanding. As a rule, the word “last” is given a negative meaning – “bad”, “unusable”.

Fearing to call the person in line last, the questioner avoids hinting at this meaning. But the original meaning of the word “last” is the one who follows the trail, following you. And more positive pluses – “the latest fashion”, “latest model”, “latest news”.

And finally, I will say: do not say “eat” instead of the correct “eat”. It is unacceptable.

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