How to do inhalation? Video

How to do inhalation? Video

The word “inhalation” translated from Latin means “inhale”. This medical procedure is a treatment through the administration of drugs through breathing. They are supplied to the body in the form of gases, steam or smoke. Inhalation can be easily done at home. The main thing is to know how and when it can be done.

How to do inhalation? Inhalation video instruction

Inhalation can be conditionally divided into two types: natural and artificial. In both cases, a person receives the treatment he needs, only the principle is slightly different. In the first situation, the inhalation of useful and healing vapors is carried out independently in nature. In the second version, additional means and devices are used, for example, an inhaler.

The advantages of inhalation are obvious: the time of administration of the drug decreases (in comparison with the same dropper), there is a selective effect on the respiratory tract affected by the disease

Inhalation is used for two purposes. One of them is the provision of treatment for diseases of the ENT organs. The second is the provision of a systemic effect on the entire body as a whole.

Indications for the use of inhalation

It often happens that a person does not know in what situations it is necessary to apply the method of inhalation treatment. Doctors have compiled a very clear list, according to which there are a number of diseases when inhalation is not just needed, but very necessary.

The list includes:

  • various forms of ARVI (this is rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and much more), as well as their complications, for example, false croup
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the ENT organs, such as chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.
  • bronchial asthma
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • fungal infections of the respiratory tract (both upper and lower)
  • tuberculosis
  • cystic fibrosis
  • HIV infection

Very often, inhalation courses are prescribed in any postoperative periods associated with interference with the work of the respiratory system.

What is needed for inhalation at home

First of all, when planning to do inhalation at home, think about how you will perform it. So, for example, you can breathe healing air with the help of available tools. Or you can use special devices. In both cases, the treatment will be effective. It is just that when using special devices, inhalation will be more convenient.

By improvised means, we mean an ordinary wide saucepan. You need to cook something in it, for example, potatoes. Then place her on the table, sit on a chair in front of him, tilt your head as close as possible (as long as you can tolerate hot air) to her and begin to inhale the vapors. For added benefit, throw a towel over your head. Alternatively, you can simply pour boiling water into a saucepan and add essential oils, such as eucalyptus, to it, which are excellent for coping with the symptoms of SARS.

Hypertensive patients need to be careful with this type of inhalation. This is due to the fact that too hot steam steams the face, as a result of which the blood rushes to the vessels. This means that you can easily provoke a rise in pressure.

You can use a simple inhaler for inhalation. Such a device is usually sold in pharmacies and is a small container (usually plastic) with a specially designed top that has a spout through which the steam comes out. True, it should be borne in mind that hot inhalation in such a device cannot be done, only warm.

Correct inhalation today is one that is performed with the help of special devices: ultrasonic inhalers and nebulizers. The cost of their budget can not be called (especially in comparison with the first two options), but the benefits are quite obvious.

The principle of operation of such devices is that they easily convert drugs into steam, which are used to treat serious diseases.

In addition, due to their more powerful effect, a deeper inhalation can be made. After all, substances penetrate much deeper than the upper respiratory tract. It is a compressor device that operates from the network. A tube extends from it, through which air passes. In the middle there is a container into which the medicinal product is usually poured. Another tube extends from it, through which the air with the medicine goes to the nasopharynx. There is a mask at the end. It must be worn on the face. As a result, the drug will pass through both the nose and mouth.

When planning to do inhalation at home, be sure to focus on your own health. Indeed, the stage of the disease development directly depends on the type of inhalation that will help you. So, for example, if the throat just starts to tickle, it becomes painful to swallow, steam inhalation will help you. Be sure to control the process of inhaling hot air so as not to burn yourself. After all, treating burns of the nasal mucosa is still a pleasure.

To make the effect more effective, it is better to add phytoncides to the water, that is, natural ingredients – herbs, oils and much more. This will soften the throat. And, as a bonus, the skin will rejoice: natural ingredients will also moisturize it

If you did not have time to capture the first stage of the disease and feel that phlegm is already choking you, a prolonged runny nose has appeared, or there is dryness in the nose, you will have to use warm-wet inhalation. In this case, you can use a strong warm infusion of herbs. You don’t need hot air here, so you can safely insist on useful plants, cool them slightly and pour into a nebulizer. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. Alternatively, in this case, for treatment, you can use the usual mineral water such as “Borjomi” or “Essentuki”. Such inhalations are called alkaline.

When the voice disappears, the cough is dry, and the throat is very sore, oil inhalations are needed. This is due to the fact that oil molecules soothe the nasopharyngeal mucosa and create a protective layer, due to which harmful substances are no longer absorbed into the tissues.

Rules to follow when doing self-inhalation

There are a number of rules to help you inhale correctly. Be sure to dress in loose clothing that will not restrict movement (and this despite the fact that inhalation does not imply active body movements). It is better if it is made from natural fabrics. You cannot do the procedure in an agitated state, first you need to calm down, and then proceed. It is better to eat at least 1,5 hours before inhalation. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour or even more so that all the beneficial substances are finally distributed over the nasopharynx and lungs.

When performing inhalation, you must hold your breath after each breath for 2 seconds.

Use of inhalation: there are contraindications

In the case of children, certain rules should also be taken into account. So, for example, you can not do inhalation to children less than two years old. The exceptions are the recommendations of the supervising physician. The rest of the babies who have just turned two can also start inhalation only on the recommendation of a doctor. In no case should you use hot inhalation for a child. In addition, the procedure time should be reduced, 5 minutes – that’s all. It is also important to know about allergic reactions that a baby may have.

Don’t have time to read? Inhalation video instruction:

And this is the main difficulty: herbal and oil inhalations cannot be used for children.

The main question that arises when carrying out home inhalation is how many times a day you need to perform the procedure. The instruction is standard: three times a day. For children, treatment should be no longer than 3-5 minutes twice a day.

Contraindications for inhalation

Inhalation, like any procedure, has a number of contraindications. So, for example, one of them is the temperature rise above 37,5 degrees. Also, you should not perform inhalation if nosebleeds are noted, heart or respiratory failure is manifested. Also, an absolute contraindication is laryngeal edema.

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