
The sad fact is that many adults are not able to organize their time and space.

Blashenkova Vera inspired me to create this article, to whom I express my gratitude. At the 12th conference of the TREKO.RU portal, Vera said: «You definitely need to write an article on how to keep up with everything and be effective.» At that Conference, I presented a Research Report “Comparison of different approaches to solving business problems”, my youngest child was six months old.

To be honest, I internally shrugged my shoulders and was surprised to myself: “this is obvious and simple.” And I took it “necessarily” as a joke, because it seemed to me that most people do this, especially women, especially business consultants and business coaches.

At the 16th TREKO.RU Conference, I presented the Report: “How we developed a methodology for creating a system for selecting and evaluating personnel without using intuition” and the finished book “Personnel that really works. Methodology for the selection and evaluation of personnel. I.L. Vikentiev, the host of the Conference, clarified for the audience that I have three children (the youngest was almost 2 years old). And again I was surprised by the questions from business coaches and female business consultants who were in the hall: “How do you manage to do everything? Share your experience.» It was only at the 16th Conference that the idea came to my mind that the esteemed Vera Blashenkova was speaking quite sincerely and that indeed some participants of the Conferences need practical recommendations on how to do “everything”. It wasn’t until the 16th Conference that the thought occurred to me that I could probably do a little more than other people. By the way, it was a dangerous and unnecessary thought that had to be driven out of my head with a filthy broom, because the thought of my “uniqueness” relaxed and unsettled me a little. Looking ahead, I will immediately clarify for dear readers — there should not be any thoughts about your “uniqueness”. There should always be more worthy and strong examples — giants, on which one must be equal (this is how S.V. Sychev advises).

Frankly, I am really surprised by such a statement of the question from practicing business coaches and business consultants from Moscow and St. Petersburg (there are most of them at the Conferences), because it seems like we teach people to be efficient, we optimize business processes. What does this mean? The sad fact is that many adults are not able to organize their time and space.

Actually algorithm


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